This repository contains An arc-eager transition-based dependency parser for a master's course I took in 2017.
The parser takes as input CONLL06-formatted files from the Penn treebank (English) and the TIGER treebank (German).
The parser outputs 1 file which in CONLL06 format which contains the predictions. The files is saved as prediction-[lang].conll06 where [lang] refers to the current language being used. Example: prediction-english.conll06
This parser:
- Uses an averaged perceptron to train.
- Extracts basic features (Nivre, 2008) and rich non-local features (Zhang and Nivre, 2011)
Run the python files via line commands or using any python IDE.
The script can be called using terminal or shell commands with the following argument:
- < language >: language of the treebank data (either en for English or de for German).
python <language>
python en
The script can be called using terminal or shell commands with the following argument:
- < language >: language of the treebank data (either en for English or de for German).
python <language>
python de