This package provides Slash command support for the new Discord Interactions API.
We've documented every type used by the interactions API, so you can make use of this library in your own projects, or make use of the utility functions we've provided to create, get, and delete slash commands.
This is a Deno module available from the Deno module registry.
To import:
import { DiscordInteractions } from "";
const interaction = new DiscordInteractions({
applicationId: "1234567890",
authToken: "bot token",
publicKey: "discord-provided public key",
The following examples use
as a guild id and545581357812678656
as a command id
// Get Global Commands
await interaction
// Get Guild Commands
await interaction
const command = {
name: "avatar",
description: "get a users avatar",
options: [
name: "big",
description: "should the image be big",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.BOOLEAN,
// Create Global Command
await interaction
// Create Guild Command
await interaction
.createApplicationCommand(command, "496279654483886100")
const command = {
name: "avatar",
description: "get a users avatar",
options: [
name: "small",
description: "should the image be small",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.BOOLEAN,
// Edit Global Command
await interaction
.createApplicationCommand(command, null, "545581357812678656")
// Edit Guild Command
await interaction
.createApplicationCommand(command, "496279654483886100", "545581357812678656")
// Delete Global Command
await interaction
// Delete Guild Command
await interaction
.deleteApplicationCommand("545581357812678656", "496279654483886100")
Help is much-needed to improve the library and add all features. Please feel free to make a PR to the repository.
This is a port of MeguminSama's NodeJS Repo to Deno.