RxKotlin 2.0.1
This release focuses on "workaround" fixes for the SAM conversion issue when using Kotlin with RxJava 2.x.
Currently, the Kotlin compiler gets confused and cannot infer when presented with multiple SAM parameter overloads. Hopefully, JetBrains will resolve this issue sooner than later. Until then, we have put together some helpers to get us by:
Non-SAM zip() and withLatestFrom() extension function operators were added to Observable, Flowable, Single, and Maybe where applicable.
Observables, Flowables, Singles, and Maybes classes were added to house Kotlin-friendly non-SAM versions of zip() and combineLatest().
This does not address all operators affected by the SAM issue, but these are commonly encountered and will serve as a good start. For instance, the subscribe() function on Single and Maybe will be addressed later as they may require a different method signature.
Thanks to @chris-horner for spearheading this idea.