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power simulation lecture (#43)
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* power simulation lecture
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palday authored Jun 27, 2024
1 parent 6274493 commit 1a731cd
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Markdown = "d6f4376e-aef5-505a-96c1-9c027394607a"
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MixedModelsExtras = "781a26e1-49f4-409a-8f4c-c3159d78c17e"
MixedModelsMakie = "b12ae82c-6730-437f-aff9-d2c38332a376"
MixedModelsSim = "d5ae56c5-23ca-4a1f-b505-9fc4796fc1fe"
ProgressMeter = "92933f4c-e287-5a05-a399-4b506db050ca"
RCall = "6f49c342-dc21-5d91-9882-a32aef131414"
RegressionFormulae = "545c379f-4ec2-4339-9aea-38f2fb6a8ba2"
Expand All @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ MacroTools = "0.5"
MixedModels = "4.22"
MixedModelsExtras = "1, 2"
MixedModelsMakie = "0.3.26"
MixedModelsSim = "0.2.7"
RCall = "0.13"
RegressionFormulae = "0.1.3"
StandardizedPredictors = "1"
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290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions power_simulation.qmd
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title: "Using simulation to estimate uncertainty and power"
subtitle: "Or how I learned how to stop worrying and love the bootstrap"
jupyter: julia-1.9
embed-resources: true
css: styles.css

#| output: false
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using MixedModels
using MixedModelsMakie
using MixedModelsSim
using ProgressMeter
using StatsBase
using Random
using AlgebraOfGraphics: AlgebraOfGraphics as AOG
using MixedModels: dataset

# The Parametric Bootstrap

Let us consider the `kb07` dataset.

kb07 = dataset(:kb07)
contrasts = Dict(:spkr => EffectsCoding(),
:prec => EffectsCoding(),
:load => EffectsCoding())
fm1 = fit(MixedModel,
@formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 * spkr * prec * load +
(1 | subj) +
(1 | item)),
kb07; contrasts)

We can perform a *parametric bootstrap* on the model to get estimates of our uncertainty.
In the parametric bootstrap, we use the *parameters* we estimated to simulate new data.
If we repeat this process many times, we are able to "pick ourselves up by our bootstraps"
and examine the variability we would expect to see based purely on chance if the ground truth
exactly matched our estimates.
In this way, we are able to estimate our uncertainty -- we cannot be more certain than the 'natural'
variability we would have for a given parameter value.

pb1 = parametricbootstrap(MersenneTwister(42), 1000, fm1;

:::{.callout-tip collapse=true, title="`optsum_overrides`"}
The option `optsum_overrides` allows us to pass additional arguments for controlling the model fitting of each simulation replicate.
`ftol_rel=1e-8` lowers the threshold for changes in the objective -- more directly, the optimizer considers the model converged if the change in the deviance is less than $10^{-8}$, which is a very small change, but larger than the default $10^{-12}$. Because the majority of the optimization time is spent in final fine-tuning, changing this threshold can greatly speed up the fitting time at the cost of a small loss of quality in fit. For a stochastic process like the bootstrap, that change in quality just adds to the general noise, but that's acceptable tradeoff in order to get many more replicates.

Now, if we look at the docstring for `parametricbootstrap`, we see that there are keyword-arguments for the various model parameters:

:::{.border id="docstring"}
#| code-fold: true
@doc parametricbootstrap

These keyword arguments are forward on to the `simulate!` function, which simulates a new dataset based on model matrices and parameter values.
The model matrices are simply taken from the model at hand.
By default, the parameter values are the estimated parameter values from a fitted model.

:::{.border id="docstring"}
#| code-fold: true
@doc simulate!

So now we have a way to simulate new data with new parameter values once we have a model.
We just need a way to create a model with our preferred design.
We'll use the MixedModelsSim package for that.

## Simulating data from scratch.

The MixedModelsSim package provides a function `simdat_crossed` for simulating effects from a crossed design:

:::{.border id="docstring"}
#| code-fold: true
@doc simdat_crossed

Let's see what that looks like in practice.
We'll look at a simple 2 x 2 design with 20 subjects and 20 items.
Our first factor `age` will vary between subjects and have the levels `old` and `young`.
Our second factor `frequency` will vary between items and have the levels `low` and `high`.
Finally, we also need to specify a random number generator to use for seeding the data simulation.

subj_n = 20
item_n = 20
subj_btwn = Dict(:age => ["old", "young"])
item_btwn = Dict(:frequency => ["low", "high"])
const RNG = MersenneTwister(42)
dat = simdat_crossed(RNG, subj_n, item_n;
subj_btwn, item_btwn)

We have 400 rows -- 20 subjects x 20 items.
Similarly, the experimental factors are expanded out to be fully crossed.
Finally, we have a dependent variable `dv` initialized to be draws from the standard normal distribution $N(0,1)$.

:::{.callout-note title="Latin squares, partial crossing, and continuous covariates"}
`simdat_crossed` is designed to simulate a fully crossed factorial design.
If you have a partially crossed or Latin squaresdesign, then you could delete the "extra" cells to reduce the fully crossed data here to be partially crossed.
For continuous covariates, we need to separately construct the covariates and then use a tabular join to create the design.
We'll examine an example of this later.

simmod = fit(MixedModel,
@formula(dv ~ 1 + age * frequency +
(1 + frequency | subj) +
(1 + age | item)), dat)

make sure to discuss contrasts here

β = [250.0, -25.0, 10, 0.0]
simulate!(RNG, simmod; β)


σ = 25.0
fit!(simulate!(RNG, simmod; β, σ))

# relative to σ!
subj_re = create_re(2.0, 1.3)

item_re = create_re(1.3, 2.0)

θ = createθ(simmod; subj=subj_re, item=item_re)

fit!(simulate!(RNG, simmod; β, σ, θ))

samp = parametricbootstrap(RNG, 1000, simmod; β, σ, θ)


let f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
coefplot!(ax, samp;
ridgeplot!(ax, samp;
xlabel="Normalized density and 80% range")
scatter!(ax, β, length(β):-1:1;

coefpvalues = DataFrame()
@showprogress for subj_n in [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140], item_n in [40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140]
dat = simdat_crossed(RNG, subj_n, item_n;
subj_btwn, item_btwn)
simmod = MixedModel(@formula(dv ~ 1 + age * frequency +
(1 + frequency | subj) +
(1 + age | item)),
θ = createθ(simmod; subj=subj_re, item=item_re)
simboot = parametricbootstrap(RNG, 100, simmod;
β, σ, θ,
df = DataFrame(simboot.coefpvalues)
df[!, :subj_n] .= subj_n
df[!, :item_n] .= item_n
append!(coefpvalues, df)

power = combine(groupby(coefpvalues, [:coefname, :subj_n, :item_n]),
:p => (p -> mean(p .< 0.05)) => :power)

power = combine(groupby(coefpvalues,
[:coefname, :subj_n, :item_n]),
:p => (p -> mean(p .< 0.05)) => :power,
:p => (p -> sem(p .< 0.05)) => :power_se)

select!(power, :coefname, :subj_n, :item_n, :power,
[:power, :power_se] => ByRow((p, se) -> [p - 1.96*se, p + 1.96*se]) => [:lower, :upper])

data(power) * mapping(:subj_n, :item_n, :power; layout=:coefname) * visual(Heatmap) |> draw

dat = simdat_crossed(RNG, subj_n, item_n;
subj_btwn, item_btwn)
dat = DataFrame(dat)

item_covariates = unique!(select(dat, :item))

item_covariates[!, :chaos] = rand(RNG,
Normal(5, 2),

leftjoin!(dat, item_covariates; on=:item)

simmod = fit(MixedModel,
@formula(dv ~ 1 + age * frequency * chaos +
(1 + frequency | subj) +
(1 + age | item)), dat; contrasts)

TODO: continuous covariate
TODO: bernoulli response
TODO: savereplicates

dat[!, :dv] = rand(RNG, Bernoulli(), nrow(dat))

dat[!, :dv] = rand(RNG, Poisson(), nrow(dat))

dat[!, :n] = rand(RNG, Poisson(), nrow(dat)) .+ 3

dat[!, :dv] = rand.(RNG, Binomial.(dat[!, :n])) ./ dat[!, :n]
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/* css styles */

border: solid black;
border-width: thick;
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margin-left: 5%;
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