This is a online store backbone with all the features(including payment methodes and seller varifications and more!) needed in it.
Its based on Python Django framework with restful apis with Django rest framework. The frontend is made with React, react/cli, create-react-app.
Please check the installation steps below to get started.
These are the dependencies you need to run this project. If you encounter any errors or bugs at any stage of the project, please create an issue.
- Python3 ( build on version 3.9.2 )
- Node.js ( build on version 14.16.0 )
If you made sure the pre-installations, you may advance to this step.
Step-1: Clone the repo from Github.
- From Gitbub, download the repo zip and extract it.
Or from github cli,
$ git clone ""
Step-2: Inside your local copy(clone) of the repo, open up a terminal(or cmd) and use command,
$ python3 ./
⚠️ This step requires python and node installed. In windows you dont need the python version tag. Then go withpython ./
After completing installation, you can run the server using python3 .
(python .
on windows).
installation makes a must needed migration for the first time. After each time you change database models, you need to migrate manually by using $ python3 makemigratios
and if it is successfully executed, $ python3 migrate
The database is SQLITE by default.
When contributing, you don't need to worry about anything. If you think you will break while updating or developing, you are wrong.
For development, you first need to FORK the repository from the official repository. ( Please check below for help )
Then simply run the server on localhost and make changes you want.
After making changes, you need to commit the changes and push it to github. After that, you can now open a pull request describing your changes. If we think your changes are worth, we will accept the request and you will be one of the contributor/s. ( Please check below for help )
⚠️ Please beaware of code formation. Unmatched formation may create unnecessary conflicts, we use Pretter code formatter for javascript and autopep8 for python.
For our database planning, you can check
About forking a repository :
About commiting changes :
About pushing to github :
About pull request :
For more help, please create an issue.