Make4Me is an E-Commerce application built with Python Django Framework. Some of the features of this project includes custom user model, categories and products, Carts, Incrementing, Decrementing and removing car items, Unlimited Product image gallery, Orders, Payments, after-order functionalities such as reduce the quantify of sold products, send the order received email, clearing the cart, Order completion page as well as generating an invoice for the order. Also we have a Review and Rating system with the interactive rating stars. My account functionalities for the customer who can easily edit his profile, profile pictures, change his account password, and also manage his orders and much more.
Clone the repository
Navigrate To The Working Directory
cd Make4Me
Create Virtual Environment Using Vitual-Env Or PipEnv
Install required packages to run the project
pip install -r requirements.txt
Fill up the environment variables: Your configuration should look something like this:
SECRET_KEY = A New Django Project Secret Key DEBUG = True EMAIL_HOST = EMAIL_PORT = 465 EMAIL_HOST_USER = Your Email Address EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = Password Of Your Email EMAIL_USE_TLS = True RAZORPAY_API = Your RazorPay Or Any Payment Gateway API
Note: If You Are Using Gmail Account, Make Sure You Turn ON The Less Secure Apps Feature ON For SMTP To Work
Create Database Tables
python migrate
Create A Super User
python createsuperuser
Run Server On LocalHost
python runserver
Login To Admin Panel -
Add Categories, Products, Add Variations, Register User, Login, Place Orders & EXPLORE SO MANY FEATURES
Made with ❤️ and Python