This is the personal project of Griffin Scott, which shall be known as "Griffin Scott's Ultimate Character Creator."
Program was origionally designed for Javascript, but was changed to Java in order to more easily hit the deadline.
Things to be done (Programming): *Create Export Method (exports character sheets as a txt file). *Create Save System (Should hold character sheets from instance to instance. Maybe use the Export file for this.) *Create Delete System (Removes saved character sheets from list.) *Create Dice system (Put this in main? Simple code.) *Create a "sandbox" for games to be played in. *Create a UI.
Things to be done (Nations the RPG Development): *Create experience system. *Create more Origins *Create more Government Types *Make a list of Historical Importances
Things complete: *First version Game List is implemented. *Nations the RPG prototype Character Creation is implemented. *Exit command is implemented. *Basework is ready for more games to be added.