This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and implemented with docker containers by building the Image.
Inside elastic bean stalk, we need to create the environment so AWS elastic search provides us few options like whethere we want to have an env for WebApp or for worker env.
Inside the 'Create Web Server Env', the base config for platform must be 'Docker' n rest config must be set to default >> Click on Create Environment.
When a req gets hit by the browser to the application set on AWS, the req is handled by a load balancer that is already being there as a part of the AWS elastic search application. The ES monitors the amount of traffic coming to our machine.
As soon as the traffic reaches to it's threshhold es is going to automatically add in additional VM to handle that traffic. Inshort the AWS env will be having a load balancer, VM Running Docker inside it Docker container where our app will be up and running.