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Robert MacGregor edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Torque Script

Below is the status of all key features of a Torque Script language. Please note if something says 'implemented' it does not necessarily mean that said implementation is set in stone - it may change if the need should arise pre-release. The C++-APIs associated with some entries is heavily' work-in-progress as well.

Status Table

Feature Name Status Sample
Break Keyword Implemented; implementation detail does not match T2 for (%i=0;%i<10;%i++) { break; }
Continue Keyword Not Implemented for (%i=0;%i<10;%i++) { continue; }
Console Object Instantiation Implemented; Untested new FileObject(Handle); Handle.openForRead("test.txt");
Console Object Member Fields Not Implemented
Datablocks Not Implemented datablock PlayerData(LightMaleHumanArmor) { ... }
Local Variables Implemented %local = 50;
Local Arrays Implemented %local[1, 3.14, "A"] = 123;
Global Variables Implemented $global = 50;
Global Arrays Implemented %local[1, 3.14, "A"] = 123;
Basic For Loop Implemented for (%i=0;%i<10;%i++) { echo(%i); }
While Loop Implemented %i=0; while(%i<10){ echo(%i); %i++; }
If Implemented if (%result == -1) { echo("Error"); }
else if Implemented if (%result == -1) { echo("Error"); } else if (%result == 2) { echo("Other Condition"); }
else Implemented if (%result == -1) { echo("Error"); } else { echo("Success"); }
switch Implemented switch (%result) { case $global: echo("Good"); default: echo("Default"); }
Arithmetic Mostly Implemented; Some Ops Missing %local = 0; %result = %local + 50;
Bitwise Operators Not Implemented echo(2 & 4);
Subfields Not Implemented new FileObject(Handle); Handle.myField = 50;
SubArrays Not Implemented new FileObject(Handle); Handle.myArray[1,2,3] = 4;
Static Memory Globals Started $my::static::memory::global = 123;
File Object API Started new FileObject(Handle); Handle.openForWrite("out.txt");
Vector Math API Not Implemented %vector = "1 1 1"; echo(vectorAdd(%vector, "1 1 1"));
Math API Not Implemented echo(mSqrt(50));
String API Not Implemented echo(getWord("A B C", 1));
Packages Implemented package Test { function Test() { } };
Package API Started activatePackage(Test);
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