For easier generating of payload for SSH. Based on the HTTP Injector of Evozi. Credits to them.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.status404error:PayloadGenerator:1.4'
I suggest to use Switch to show and to enable and disable the usage of custom payload. Also take note that you must define your SharedPreference that you use for custom payload enabling and disabling
Initialize PayloadGenerator
private PayloadGenerator payloadGenerator;
On your OnCreate or OnCreateView (for FragmentActivity)
Switch switch = (Switch) ...
payloadGenerator = new PayloadGenerator(this, prefs);
//add custom proxy
- On the custom proxy, you must add the boolean key used on SharedPreference for enabling custom proxy and then the string key Example: on your PreferenceActivity you used CheckBoxPreference for Custom Proxy, the key for that CheckBoxPreference is your boolean key for enabling custom proxy, same timg for the EditTextPreferece for adding your custom proxy.
You can add this condition on your OnCheckedChangeListener of your Switch
//enable custom payload and show PayloadGenerator
//add condition for switches
//if use ssh or sni
//disable custom payload
*If you will not declare key for custom proxy, the Option on the PayloadGenerator for custom proxy will be useless
You can also add OnCancelClickedListener if you want to add condition if the "Cancel" Button of the PayloadGenerator is clicked
SwitchButton switchButton = (SwitchButton) findViewById(;
payloadGenerator.setOnCancelClickedListener(new PayloadGenerator.OnCancelClickedListener(){
public void OnCancelClickListener(DialogInterface dialogInterface)
// you can uncheck the switch here
// you can also disable the usage of custom payload
editor.putBoolean("use_custom_payload", false).apply();
// TODO: Implement this method
- 1.4
- Removed addPayloadSwitch(Switch) and replaced with OnCancelClickedListener so you can use Switch repositories (eg.: SwitchButton)
- 1.3
- Changing some condition
- 1.2
- Fixed gradle issues
- 1.1
- Fixed some issues
- 1.0
- Initial Release