I have modified the origional to support device interface via chrome.serial, and also to take a DOM element and directly (ish) print from it.
You will need a printer which is on a serial port. In my case it is USB connected and then presented as COM8 by a Virtual Driver. (COM8 is hard coded in main.js should you want to change it).
You'll need to install nw.js from https://nwjs.io/, I suggest the SDK version so that you can see Chrome Dev tools.
Once you have NW installed clone this rep. and copy contents into your NW folder.
NW can take a few seconds to load on the first instance.
The rep. consists of three main files..
print.html - landing page for tests.
main.js - printer init() and test functions()
escpos_printing.js - the ESCPOS library origionally produced by Thomas Höbelt (with modifications)
Any questions just mail petera@rush.technology.
Origional Rep. README.md below;
This is my implementation of ESCPOS Printing from within node nw.js applications
This is a fully working demo project, the mere module is available at:
ADVANTAGE: nothing else needed i.e. no dependencies except built in modules:
'fs' , 'os' ( in fact only needed when using on multiple platforms), and 'child process'
CEAVEAT: as its based on copying files to the printer-queue biderectional commands are not supported
Tried to implement all basically necessary (and common betweeen printer models ) commands in an easy usable fashion
TODO: improve error tracking, implement more of the full command list, implement OSX
On Windows as of Version 1.1.1 Powershell is now used instead ofcmd(netview) to detect Printers
Hope this will help as no locale specific Keyword for printer is used(hardcoded).
At least one RAW-printer needs to be installed on the system :
Under WINDOWS : just use the printer driver to install, most modern printers support both modes (driver and RAW) automatically
and !!! share the printer using a NAME which will be listed when network shares are ealuated
On LINUX (and OSX): just install a (driverless) RAW Printer it will be listed by lp
// if installed via npm
//Printer = require('escpos_printing.js');
// or if simply in working directory
Printer = require('./escpos_printing.js');
Printer.append(put commands and functions here);
var sucess = Printer.ESCPOS_PRINT(currentPrinter);
Functions summary:
ESCPOS_INIT : Initialize globals and lists printers to array
append : adds commands and Text to the "Print Buffer"
ESCPOS_CMD : submit a command (as defined in the set)
ESCPOS_PRINT : collect "Printer Buffer" write it to a prt file and send the file to the printer-queue
ESCPOS_IMAGEFILE : print image from a file
ESCPOS_BARCODE : Print Barcodes
ESCPOS_CPBYNUMBER : Select a codepage ( Named Versions available as extra command sets)
ESCPOS_CP_EPSON : Select codepage as defined by epson
ESCPOS_CP_STAR : Select Codepage as defined by STAR using standard ESCPOS Command
STAR_CP : Select codepage using a special command used by star printers
ESCPOS_CHARSET : select international characterset
for more examples of usage look at main.js