The goal is to investigate the processes of differentiation in motor neurons (MNs) derived from an iPSC model. Gene expression was assayed using single-cell RNA-sequencing (10x Genomics) and processed with CellRanger at each timepoint. Cells were collected from undifferentiated iPSC, and every 3 days until day 45.
We aim to identify the regional identity and subtypes of iPSC motor neurons and transcriptomic (dis)similarity with native MNs in the fetal spinal cord.
- Preprocessing and integration: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_day0-day50.Rmd
- Integrated primary spinal cord reference: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_ref_data.Rmd
- Cell type annotation with SCANVI: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_day0-day50_celltype_annotation.Rmd
- Cell trajectory analysis: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_day0-day50_trajectories.Rmd
Other Notebooks
- Preprocessing and integration: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_EDA_day0-day45.Rmd
- Figures for CMTR: mack_d_iPSC_motor_neurons_day0-day50_figures.Rmd
Jenny L. Smith