Application wich gets installed on the Raspberry PI of the Smartfridge.
The functionalities are:
- keeps track of sensor changes (e.g. door was opened)
- takes a picture of the inside of the fridge when the door was opened
- sends the picture to the webserver
- listens to the barcode scanner
- gets the product information of a barcode from the internet
- sends the gathered product information via push notification to the Andorid application
Java has to be installed:
Java -version
apt-get install oracle-java7-jdk
In order to ensure the access of the server application to the GPIO pins, WiringPI must be installed. You must first install Git:
sudo apt-get install git-core
Now the git repository of WiringPi can be cloned:
git clone git://
Afterwards, WiringPI has to be installed, change it with the help of the terminal into the folder into which WiringPi was cloned and start the installation:
cd wiringPi ./build
To ensure that the connected camera is detected, the fswebcam software package must be installed:
sudo apt-get install fswebcam
To create the Database, MySql must be installed:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Before the database image can be imported, a database with the name fridgedb_rpi must be created and selected:
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE fridgedb_rpi mysql> USE fridgedb_rpi
Now the database image can be imported:
$ mysql -u root -p fridgedb_rpi < fridgedb_rpi.sql
In order for the server application to run automatically after a restart of the Raspberry, a file with the name startup.desktop must be created in the / etc / xdg /
autostart directory.
Make sure the FridgeServer.jar
is on the desktop, or adjust the path below.
Enter the following code lines into the file:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=ServerApplication Exec = gksu „sudo java – jar /home/pi/Desktop/FridgeServer.jar“
If gksu has never been executed on the RPI, call the following command once in the terminal:
gksu „sudo java – jar /home/pi/Desktop/FridgeServer.jar“
Gksu will now ask you for root access, please confirm this.
- SmartFridge: Android app.
- SmartFridgeWebserver.