- List out dates ->
Public Function extractDates(start_date, end_date, selector, separator, month_name, abbreviate)
- The function returns an array with all dates.-
Where the selector could be:
- "y" for Years
- "m" for Months
- "d" for Days
Where the separator could be:
- An arbitrary symbol to separate date elements
Where the month_name coud be:
- True for use MonthName function
- False for don't use MonthName function
Where abbreviate could be:
- True for abbreviate
- False for don't abbreviate
Initialize the class
<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <!--#include file="list_out_dates.class.asp"--> <% Dim dates Set dates = New listOutDates
Create a start date and a end date
Dim start_date start_date = "07/02/2025 11:26:46" Dim end_date end_date = "02/04/2027 15:06:30"
List out all dates from range
Dim temp For Each temp In dates.extractDates(start_date, end_date, "d", "/", True, False) Response.write(temp & "<br>") Next %>