This plugin is a Plover steno system plugin, please refer to the site to download Plover first if you haven't do so.
This plugin has yet to be uploaded to Plover's plugin manager, so users should install it manually using CLI method:
git clone
plover -s plover_plugins install -e ./
After installation, please install the dictionary files and head to plover_next_stroke to install the next storke suggestion plugin in order to get full experience.
此Plugin為使用於速錄機及速錄鍵盤之輸入法,須配合開源速錄軟體 Plover 使用。
法ㄧ:使用 Plover Plugin Manager 下載(尚未開放)
法二:CLI 方式下載:
git clone
plover -s plover_plugins install -e ./
安裝完成後,請至plover_next_stroke安裝此Plugin(選字目錄)、重新開啟 Plover 並安裝字典。
選字功能(編號/倉頡選字)=> 須由另一選字 Plugin 處理(待開發)詳見 plover_next_stroke額外的詞典管理器(可快速生成index, conflict, main 三個檔案)拼音字根式字典及輸入法=>已為主要開發系統- 聲符簡碼表
鍵盤指令(Enter, Del, etc.)常用標點符號