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Add an overload of map that allows you to fail the conversion by retu…
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younata committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent c2c106f commit 2ea1ade
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Showing 2 changed files with 122 additions and 2 deletions.
46 changes: 44 additions & 2 deletions Sources/Nimble/Matchers/Map.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/// `map` works by transforming the expression to a value that the given matcher uses.
/// For example, you might only care that a particular property on a method equals some other value.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(lens(\.someIntValue, equal(3))`.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(map(\.someIntValue, equal(3))`.
/// This is also useful in conjunction with ``satisfyAllOf`` to do a partial equality of an object.
public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) throws -> U, _ matcher: Matcher<U>) -> Matcher<T> {
Matcher { (received: Expression<T>) in
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) throws -> U, _ matcher: Matcher
/// `map` works by transforming the expression to a value that the given matcher uses.
/// For example, you might only care that a particular property on a method equals some other value.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(lens(\.someIntValue, equal(3))`.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(map(\.someIntValue, equal(3))`.
/// This is also useful in conjunction with ``satisfyAllOf`` to do a partial equality of an object.
public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) async throws -> U, _ matcher: some AsyncableMatcher<U>) -> AsyncMatcher<T> {
AsyncMatcher { (received: AsyncExpression<T>) in
Expand All @@ -25,3 +25,45 @@ public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) async throws -> U, _ matcher: s

/// `map` works by transforming the expression to a value that the given matcher uses.
/// For example, you might only care that a particular property on a method equals some other value.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(compactMap({ $0 as? Int }, equal(3))`.
/// This is also useful in conjunction with ``satisfyAllOf`` to match against a converted type.
public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) throws -> U?, _ matcher: Matcher<U>) -> Matcher<T> {
Matcher { (received: Expression<T>) in
let message = ExpectationMessage.expectedTo("Map from \(T.self) to \(U.self)")

guard let value = try received.evaluate() else {
return MatcherResult(status: .fail, message: message.appendedBeNilHint())

guard let transformedValue = try transform(value) else {
return MatcherResult(status: .fail, message: message)

return try matcher.satisfies(Expression(expression: { transformedValue }, location: received.location))

/// `map` works by transforming the expression to a value that the given matcher uses.
/// For example, you might only care that a particular property on a method equals some other value.
/// So, you could write `expect(myObject).to(compactMap({ $0 as? Int }, equal(3))`.
/// This is also useful in conjunction with ``satisfyAllOf`` to match against a converted type.
public func map<T, U>(_ transform: @escaping (T) async throws -> U?, _ matcher: some AsyncableMatcher<U>) -> AsyncMatcher<T> {
AsyncMatcher { (received: AsyncExpression<T>) in
let message = ExpectationMessage.expectedTo("Map from \(T.self) to \(U.self)")

guard let value = try await received.evaluate() else {
return MatcherResult(status: .fail, message: message.appendedBeNilHint())

guard let transformedValue = try await transform(value) else {
return MatcherResult(status: .fail, message: message)

return try await matcher.satisfies(AsyncExpression(expression: { transformedValue }, location: received.location))
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions Tests/NimbleTests/Matchers/MapTest.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import NimbleSharedTestHelpers

final class MapTest: XCTestCase {
// MARK: Map
func testMap() {
expect(1).to(map({ $0 }, equal(1)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,4 +81,81 @@ final class MapTest: XCTestCase {
map(\.string, equal("world"))

// MARK: Failable map
func testFailableMap() {
expect("1").to(map({ Int($0) }, equal(1)))

struct Value {
let int: Int?
let string: String?

int: 1,
string: "hello"
map(\.int, equal(1)),
map(\.string, equal("hello"))

int: 1,
string: "hello"
map(\.int, equal(2)),
map(\.string, equal("hello"))

int: 1,
string: "hello"
map(\.int, equal(2)),
map(\.string, equal("hello"))

func testFailableMapAsync() async {
struct Value {
let int: Int?
let string: String?

await expect(Value(
int: 1,
string: "hello"
)).to(map(\.int, asyncEqual(1)))

await expect(Value(
int: 1,
string: "hello"
)).toNot(map(\.int, asyncEqual(2)))

func testFailableMapWithAsyncFunction() async {
func someOperation(_ value: Int) async -> String? {
await expect(1).to(map(someOperation, equal("1")))

func testFailableMapWithActor() {
actor Box {
let int: Int?
let string: String?

init(int: Int, string: String) { = int
self.string = string

let box = Box(int: 3, string: "world")

map(\.int, equal(3)),
map(\.string, equal("world"))

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