C++ project made during the 2nd year of Master, allowing to visualize objects and to move around freely.
To run the program, execute the make command then launch the tdsv file located in the bin folder. The command line expects one or more files with the .geo extension.
.geo files should be structured this way:
One line with the number v corresponding to the number of vertices of the object.
V lines, each one describing a vertex (three coordinates).
One line with the number t of triangles of the object.
T lines, each one describing a triangle by giving the index of the three corresponding vertices.
Arrows: Move the camera
A/D: Rotate the scene around the Y axis.
W/S: Rotate the scene around the X axis.
Q/E: Rotate the scene around the Z axis.
Z/X: Zoom in/out.
Space: Reset to the initial view.