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Remove isfree and add locks to each slot (#25)
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Krastanov authored Aug 3, 2023
1 parent c2d155f commit 554db7e
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Showing 21 changed files with 221 additions and 99 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "QuantumSavory"
uuid = "2de2e421-972c-4cb5-a0c3-999c85908079"
authors = ["Stefan Krastanov <>"]
version = "0.2.1"
version = "0.3.0"

ConcurrentSim = "6ed1e86c-fcaf-46a9-97e0-2b26a2cdb499"
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"
QuantumSavoryMakie = "Makie"

ConcurrentSim = "1"
ConcurrentSim = "1.1"
Graphs = "1.7.3"
IterTools = "1.4.0"
Makie = "0.19"
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ QuantumClifford = "0.8"
QuantumInterface = "0.3.0"
QuantumOptics = "1.0.5"
QuantumOpticsBase = "0.4"
QuantumSymbolics = "0.2.0"
QuantumSymbolics = "0.2.3"
Reexport = "1.2.2"
ResumableFunctions = "0.6.1"
julia = "1.9"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ registercoords = p_rg[:registercoords]
# Plots of various metadata and locks
_,_,_,obs_1 = resourceplot_axis(F[1,2],
[:link_queue], [:espin_queue,:nspin_queue,:decay_queue];
[:link_queue], [:decay_queue];
title="Processes and Queues")
_,_,_,obs_2 = resourceplot_axis(F[2,2],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ display(F)
tscale = conf[:T₂ⁿ]/3
step_ts = range(0, tscale, step=tscale/500)
record(F, "colorcentermodularcluster-02.simdashboard.mp4", step_ts, framerate=FRAMERATE) do t
record(F, "colorcentermodularcluster-02.simdashboard.mp4", step_ts, framerate=FRAMERATE, visible=true) do t
run(sim, t)

# calculate the fidelities for each node of the cluster state
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/colorcentermodularcluster/3_makie_interactive.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ ensemble = App() do
Drag over the plot to select manual region to zoom in.
`Ctrl`+click resets the view.
Back at the [landing page](..) you can view multiple other ways to simulate and visualize this cluster state preparation experiment.
Back at the [landing page](./..) you can view multiple other ways to simulate and visualize this cluster state preparation experiment.
[See and modify the code for this simulation on github.](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ singletraj = App() do
# Plots of various metadata and locks
_,_,_,obs_1 = resourceplot_axis(F[1:3,2],
[:link_queue], [:espin_queue,:nspin_queue,:decay_queue];
[:link_queue], [:decay_queue];
title="Processes and Queues")
_,_,_,obs_2 = resourceplot_axis(F[4:6,2],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ singletraj = App() do
Back at the [landing page](..) you can view multiple other ways to simulate and visualize this cluster state preparation experiment.
Back at the [landing page](./..) you can view multiple other ways to simulate and visualize this cluster state preparation experiment.
[See and modify the code for this simulation on github.](
Expand Down
22 changes: 10 additions & 12 deletions examples/colorcentermodularcluster/setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ end
@resumable function barrettkok(env::Environment, net, nodea, nodeb, conf)
# check whether this link is already being attempted
link_resource = net[(nodea, nodeb), :link_queue]
!isfree(link_resource) && return
islocked(link_resource) && return
# if not, reserve both electronic spins, by using a nongreedy multilock
spin_resources = [net[nodea, :espin_queue], net[nodeb, :espin_queue]]
espin_slots = [net[nodea, 1], net[nodeb, 1]]
@yield request(link_resource)
@yield @process nongreedymultilock(env, spin_resources)
@yield @process nongreedymultilock(env, espin_slots)
# wait for a successful entangling attempt (separate attempts not modeled explicitly)
rega = net[nodea]
regb = net[nodeb]
Expand All @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ end
@yield timeout(env, duration)
bk_el_init(env, rega, regb, conf)
# reserve the nuclear spins, by using a nongreedy multilock
nspin_resources = [net[nodea, :nspin_queue], net[nodeb, :nspin_queue]]
@yield @process nongreedymultilock(env, nspin_resources)
nspin_slots = [net[nodea, 2], net[nodeb, 2]]
@yield @process nongreedymultilock(env, nspin_slots)
# wait for the two parallel swaps from the electronic to nuclear spins
@yield timeout(env, conf[:τˢʷᵃᵖ])
r1 = bk_swap(env, rega, conf)
Expand All @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ end
# register that we believe an entanglement was established
net[(nodea, nodeb), :link_register] = true
# release locks
#@simlog env "success on $(nodea) $(nodeb) after $(attempts) attempt(s) $(duration)"
Expand All @@ -88,12 +88,10 @@ function prep_sim(root_conf)
conf = derive_conf(root_conf)

# set up ConcurrentSim discrete events simulation
sim = Simulation()
sim = get_time_tracker(net)

net[:, :espin_queue] = () -> Resource(sim,1)
net[:, :nspin_queue] = () -> Resource(sim,1)
net[:, :decay_queue] = () -> Resource(sim,1)
net[(:,:), :link_queue] = () -> Resource(sim,1)
net[:, :decay_queue] = () -> Resource(sim)
net[(:,:), :link_queue] = () -> Resource(sim)
net[(:,:), :link_register] = false

for (;src,dst) in edges(net)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/congestionchain/1_visualization.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ regsize = 2 # Number of qubits in each register
T2 = 100.0 # T2 dephasing time of all qubits
F = 0.97 # Fidelity of the raw Bell pairs
entangler_wait_time = 0.1 # How long to wait if all qubits are busy before retring entangling
entangler_busy_λinv = 0.5 # How long it takes to establish a newly entangled pair (Exponential distribution parameter)
entangler_busy_λ = 0.5 # How long it takes to establish a newly entangled pair (Exponential distribution parameter)
swapper_wait_time = 0.1 # How long to wait if all qubits are unavailable for swapping
swapper_busy_time = 0.55 # How long it takes to swap two qubits
consume_wait_time = 0.1 # How long to wait if there are no qubits ready for consumption
Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sim, network = simulation_setup(len, regsize, T2)

noisy_pair = noisy_pair_func(F)
for (;src, dst) in edges(network)
@process entangler(sim, network, src, dst, noisy_pair, entangler_wait_time, 1/entangler_busy_λinv)
@process entangler(sim, network, src, dst, noisy_pair, entangler_wait_time, entangler_busy_λ)

for node in vertices(network)
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions examples/congestionchain/2_makie_interactive.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function prepare_singlerun(
T2 = 100.0, # T2 dephasing time of all qubits
F = 0.97, # Fidelity of the raw Bell pairs
entangler_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if all qubits are busy before retring entangling
entangler_busy_λinv = 0.5, # How long it takes to establish a newly entangled pair (Exponential distribution parameter)
entangler_busy_λ = 0.5, # How long it takes to establish a newly entangled pair (Exponential distribution parameter)
swapper_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if all qubits are unavailable for swapping
swapper_busy_time = 0.55, # How long it takes to swap two qubits
consume_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if there are no qubits ready for consumption
Expand All @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function prepare_singlerun(

noisy_pair = noisy_pair_func(F)
for (;src, dst) in edges(network)
@process entangler(sim, network, src, dst, noisy_pair, entangler_wait_time, 1/entangler_busy_λinv)
@process entangler(sim, network, src, dst, noisy_pair, entangler_wait_time, entangler_busy_λ)

for node in vertices(network)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function add_conf_sliders(fig)
:regsize => 2,
:T2 => 100.0,
:F => 0.97,
:entangler_busy_λinv => 0.5,
:entangler_busy_λ => 0.5,
:swapper_busy_time => 0.5
conf_obs = Observable(conf)
Expand All @@ -148,15 +148,15 @@ function add_conf_sliders(fig)
(label = "fidelity of raw pairs",
range = 0.6:0.01:1.0, format = "{:.2f}", startvalue = conf[:F]),
(label = "avg. time of ent. generation",
range = 0.05:0.05:1.0, format = "{:.2f}", startvalue = conf[:entangler_busy_λinv]),
range = 0.05:0.05:1.0, format = "{:.2f}", startvalue = conf[:entangler_busy_λ]),
(label = "swap duration",
range = 0.05:0.05:1.0, format = "{:.2f}", startvalue = conf[:swapper_busy_time]),
width = 600,
#tellheight = false

# TODO there should be a nicer way to link sliders to the configuration
names = [:len, :regsize, :T2, :F, :entangler_busy_λinv, :swapper_busy_time]
names = [:len, :regsize, :T2, :F, :entangler_busy_λ, :swapper_busy_time]
for (name,slider) in zip(names,sg.sliders)
on(slider.value) do val
conf_obs[][name] = val
Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions examples/congestionchain/3_aggregate_of_multiple_simulations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@

using GLMakie # For plotting

# Demo visualizations of the performance of the network

function prepare_singlerun(
len = 5, # Number of registers in the chain
regsize = 2, # Number of qubits in each register
T2 = 100.0, # T2 dephasing time of all qubits
F = 0.97, # Fidelity of the raw Bell pairs
entangler_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if all qubits are busy before retring entangling
entangler_busy_λ = 0.5, # How long it takes to establish a newly entangled pair (Exponential distribution parameter)
swapper_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if all qubits are unavailable for swapping
swapper_busy_time = 0.55, # How long it takes to swap two qubits
consume_wait_time = 0.1, # How long to wait if there are no qubits ready for consumption
sim, network = simulation_setup(len, regsize, T2)

noisy_pair = noisy_pair_func(F)
for (;src, dst) in edges(network)
@process entangler(sim, network, src, dst, noisy_pair, entangler_wait_time, entangler_busy_λ)

for node in vertices(network)
@process swapper(sim, network, node, swapper_wait_time, swapper_busy_time)

ts = Ref(Float64[])
fidXX = Ref(Float64[])
fidZZ = Ref(Float64[])
@process consumer(sim, network, 1, len, consume_wait_time,ts,fidXX,fidZZ)

sim, network, ts, fidXX, fidZZ


link_lengths = 3:40 # change the range of chain lengths being simulated
results = Vector{Any}(undef,length(link_lengths))

Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(link_lengths)
conf = Dict( # change the settings here
:len => link_lengths[i],
:regsize => 2,
:T2 => 100.0,
:F => 0.97,
:entangler_busy_λ => 0.5,
:swapper_busy_time => 0.5
sim, network, ts, fidXX, fidZZ = prepare_singlerun(; conf...)
run(sim, 1000) # run for 1000 time units
results[i] = (ts, fidXX, fidZZ)
@info "Finished run $(i) of $(length(link_lengths)) -- the chain length was $(link_lengths[i])"


avgt = [mean(res[1][]) for res in results]
avgxx = [mean(res[2][]) for res in results]
avgzz = [mean(res[3][]) for res in results]

F = Figure(resolution=(600,600))
ax1 = Axis(F[1,1], ylabel="avg time to connection")
scatter!(ax1, link_lengths, avgt)
ax2 = Axis(F[2,1], ylabel="XX Stabilizer\nExpectation")
scatter!(ax2, link_lengths, avgxx)
ax3 = Axis(F[3,1], ylabel="ZZ Stabilizer\nExpectation", xlabel="chain length")
scatter!(ax3, link_lengths, avgzz)
save("stats_vs_chainlength.png", F)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/congestionchain/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ A simple, more instructive, example is also

The `setup.jl` file implements all necessary base functionality.
The other files run the simulation and generate visuals in a number of different circumstances:
1. A single simulator script convenient for exploratory coding;
1. A single simulator script convenient for exploratory coding, running one single Monte Carlo simulation of a repeater chain;
2. A web-app version of the simulator;
3. A script running thousands of simulations like the ones in point 1, followed by plotting average statistical results for these simulations for a variety of repeater chain lengths.

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