Workshop Create your first quantum game in JavaScript by Piotr Migdał from Quantum Flytrap.
You need git and GitHub account. We strongly recommend to use the Visual Studio Code editor - powerful, easy-to-use, good support of JavaScript, free.
To get files on your computer, first FORK this repository, then:
git clone
To test it just open in a browser the HTML file.
To publish YOUR game, click your reposotiory SETTINGS then PAGES.
For example, this main one is
We use pure HTML and JavaScript to create a browser experience.
We use Quantum-Flytrap/quantum-tensors for quantum operations.
Documentation: Examples of usage in
- HTML and JavaScript tutorials by Mozilla
- Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Types & Tests by Piotr Migdał
- The Art of Game Design - a book by Jesse Schell
- To make a cool game, you first have to play other cool games by Piotr Migdał
- Science-based games - a collaborative list