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Michel Pawlak edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 3 revisions


  • when committing new files to the codebase, run the command that adds missing license headers (see below)
  • use wellformed commit messages (see below)
  • if possible do not mix quality improvement commits with functional modifications commits

Adding missing license headers

When adding new files, the have Maven build won't pass if they don't include expected license headers. All QualInsight projects are configured in order to ease the task of adding missing license headers. All you have to do is to run the following command:

mvn license:format

What is a "wellformed commit message" ?

A wellformed commit message respects this template: <imperative verb> <concise subject> #<issue id>.


improve documentation #12
add unit tests #12
lower method complexity #12

Please avoid this kind of commit message:

I improved the documentation
unit tests
#12 lower method complexity

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