Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for instruments from Thorlabs (Kinesis K10CR1 (stepper rotation actuator), Kinesis Flipper, Kinesis KSP100, Kinesis KPZ101, Camera DCx, Scientific cameras, Powermeters using the TLPM library), Compact CCD Spectrometers
- Sebastien J. Weber
- David Bresteau (
- Nicolas Tappy (
- Romain Geneaux (
- Amelie DeShazer (
- Astha Khandelwal (
- Daichi Kozawa (
Below is the list of instruments included in this plugin
- KinesisIntegratedStepper: Integrated Stepper Motor Kinesis series (tested on K10CR1)
- Kinesis_Flipper: Kinesis series Flipper
- MFF101_pylablib: Kinesis series Flipper mount (thorlabs MFF101), similar to Kinesis_FLipper but using the pylablib control module.
- PRM1Z8_pylablib: DC servo motorized 360° rotation mount (Thorlabs PRM1Z8) using the pylablib control module. The Thorlabs APT software should be installed:
- BrushlessDCMotor: Kinesis control of DC Brushless Motor (tested with the BBD201 controller)
- Kinesis_KPZ101: Piezo Electric Stage Kinesis series (KPZ101)
- Kinesis_KPA101: Position Sensitive Photodetector Kinesis series (KPA101)
- TLPMPowermeter: TLPM dll compatible series (PM101x, PM102x, PM103x, PM100USB, PM16-Series, PM160, PM400, PM100A, PM100D, PM200)
- CCSXXX: Compact CCD Spectrometers (CCS100, CCS175, CCS200). Tested with CCS175/M
- Thorlabs_DCx: Thorlabs CCD camera. Tested with DCC3240M.
- Thorlabs_TSI: sCMOS camera series Zelux, Kiralux, Quantalux.
Works with Windows. Precise installation instructions can be found here: and in the plugin file.
Implemented using the pylablib control module. Required libraries are installed using the free ThorCam software. The plugin assumes Thorcam is installed in default folder (see details here). Tested on Zelux camera on Windows.