This PyMoDAQ plugin adds various Mock instruments to test PyMoDAQ functionalities
- Sebastien J. Weber (
Below is the list of instruments included in this plugin
- MockCamera: set of X, Y or theta actuators moving a light image on the corresponding camera instrument For this to work, MockCamera actuators and detector should share the same control ID with the preset scan
- MockNamedAxes: Show examples of multi axis actuator controller specifying both a name and an integer ID
- MockRandom actuator to be used with the corresponding 0D detector. If they share the same ID in the preset then this actuator can be moved in the [0-20] range (even randomly) to retrieve a noisy gaussian
- MockTauMulti: controller with multiple axes and showing how to add a characteristic time (to mimic real instruments)
- MockAdaptive: to be used to show how a detector can be used for adaptive samplking (not working yet with PyMoDAQ4)
- MockRandom: generate a value of a noisy gaussian given the current value of the underlying mock controller. To be used with the MockRandom actuator. If they share the same ID in the preset then this actuator can be moved in the [0-20] range (even randomly) to retrieve a noisy gaussian
- MockSpectro: mimic data one coulf obtain from a spectrometer. Specific methods are also added to seemlessly use this detector with the Spectrometer extension (not yet working with PyMoDAQ4)
- MockRandom: Generate a noisy Gaussian with a spread axis (to illustrate the sorting button action of the Viewer1D data viewer
- Pinem: Generate Photon-Induced Near-field Electron Microscopy spectra. It is Electron energy loss spectroscopy from the interaction of a near-field (could be induced by a laser on a sample) and probed by the electronic beam. The coupling between the near-field and the electronic beam can be tuned using various parameters (g1, g2, theta)...
- MockCamera: if connected with a preset with the MockCamera actuator (or a few of them, X, Y and thera), then the image displayed on screen is moved or rotated accordingly to the actuators value. Perfect for a beamsteering example
- RoiStuff: example of ROI exporting into the instrument plugin. Not yet working, planned to be ok for the future >= 4.2.* releases.
- MockEvents: Simulate the acquisition of photons received on a timepix camera (position and time of arrival of each photon)
- PyMoDAQ >= 4 (except for some of them, specified in this README)
- nothing in particular to be installed, they are all virtual instruments