A Time Table scheduling Gui application.
Make a Time Table Schedule , It Have Some Must Hard And Soft Constraint That Need To Satisfy Every Time,For A Human Begin It's Very Hard And Complicated Process To Generate A Schedule.
To Solve This Problem We Use CSP(Constraint Satisfaction Problem) To Genarate A Schedule,Then To Satisfy Those Hard And Soft Constraints We Use A Concept From Evolutionary Computing That Is Called Genetic Algorithm. From Using Genetic Algorithm We Find The Best Schedule.
For Making GUI We Use A python Library Called Custom Tkinter And In Backend We Use Google Firebase (Firebase Authentication And Cloud Firestore) (GUI-Main-Beta Is The Latest Version,And Here we don't provide apy key of our actual firebse cloud fire store due to privacy reasons)
To get started: First, install the requirements.txt using pip install -r requirements.txt Then go to src: cd src Then execute the program: python driver.py