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Scenario of setting up a project with Buildbot Master + Sqlite Slave

AttakornP edited this page Dec 12, 2012 · 11 revisions


You need to create virtualenvwrapper.

$ mkvirtualenv proteus-deploy-user
$ pip install git+git://
$ pip freeze

If you find Django==1.4 and proteus-deploy==0.0.7 in your environment, then everything is good! Now you can start a new project

For Git repository


Start a project named hobby

$ startproject hobby

Then you can commit your code into the repository.

Start a new instance to be a buildbot

$ start-simple-server proteus

A new instance is created. You can find the host name of the created EC2 instance on the terminal.

Register the instance into buildbot settings

$ complete_master_config <e2_host> <repository>

This would edit buildbot_config/, adding a host of the buildbot and repository URL into the settings file.

Commit you changes into the repository.

Setup buildbot master and sqlite slave on the server

$ setup-buildbot-on-server proteus <ec2_host> hobby git://

Done! The buildbot can be accessed at http://<ec2_host>:8010/

For SVN repository


Start a project named hobby

$ startproject hobby

Then you can commit your code into the repository.

Start a new instance to be a buildbot

$ start-simple-server proteus

A new instance is created. You can find the host name of the created EC2 instance on the terminal.

Register the instance into buildbot settings

$ complete_master_config <e2_host> <repository>

This would edit buildbot_config/, adding a host of the buildbot and repository URL into the settings file.

Commit you changes into the repository.

Setup buildbot master and sqlite slave on the server

$ setup-buildbot-svn-on-server proteus <ec2_host> hobby

Done! The buildbot can be accessed at http://<ec2_host>:8010/

Checking Step


Secure Shell to server

$ ssh ubuntu@<ec2_host>

Buildbot Master and Slave were started

$ ps -ef | grep build

If you find buildbot start and buildslave start, then Buildbot is working.

Force build Buildbot

You can force build for checking Buildbot checkouts code from repository


And see waterfall at


If correct, builder-sqlite's waterfall will be green.