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Added test move_atom_Langevin to test right temperature, cleaned TI o…
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…f three atom probles
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kocimil1 committed Jan 16, 2025
1 parent f6ebed3 commit cbeded4
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Showing 5 changed files with 280 additions and 177 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cpp/common/molecular/MMFFsp3_loc.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ inline Vec3d move_atom_Langevin( int i, const float dt, const double Flim, cons
r1 = rnd0 * rnd0 + rnd1 * rnd1;
y2 = rnd0 * sqrt(-2 * log(r1) / r1);
Vec3d rnd = {y0,0*y1,0*y2};
Vec3d rnd = {y0,y1,y2};

//Vec3d rnd = {randf(-1.0,1.0),0,0};//,randf(-1.0,1.0),randf(-1.0,1.0)};

Expand Down
332 changes: 170 additions & 162 deletions cpp/common/molecular/MolWorld_sp3.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -352,14 +352,6 @@ class MolWorld_sp3 : public SolverInterface { public:
if(!bUFF){ builder.setup_atom_permut( true ); }
if(constr_name ){ constrs.loadBonds( constr_name, &builder.atom_permut[0], 0 ); }
if(dlvec ){ add_to_lvec(*dlvec); } // modify lattice after initialization - it helps to build constrained systems
//printf( "MolWorld_sp3::init() ffl.neighs=%li ffl.neighCell-%li \n", ffl.neighs, ffl.neighCell );
// ffl.neighs[0].x = -1;
// ffl.neighs[1].x = -1;
// ffl.neighs[2].x = -1;
// run_omp(10000, 0.05);

printf( "#### MolWorld_sp3::init() DONE\n\n");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,7 +579,8 @@ virtual double solve( int nmax, double tol )override{

long t0=getCPUticks();
double E, F2;
double E = 0;
double F2 = 0;
int nitr = run_omp( nmax, opt.dt_max, tol, 1000.0, -1. , &E, &F2);
long t=(getCPUticks()-t0); if(verbosity>1)printf( "time run_omp[%i] %g[Mtick] %g[ktick/iter] %g[s] %g[ms/iter]\n", nitr, t*1e-6, t*1.e-3/nitr, t*tick2second, t*tick2second*1000/nitr );
//if(std::isnan(E)){ printf( "ERROR: Etot is NaN\n" ); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2607,77 +2600,9 @@ int counter=0;
////////////////////// only the used part of run_omp() when calculating three particles (two still, one moving)
// three atom problem
#pragma omp parallel shared(niter, itr, E, F2, ff, vv, vf, ffl, T0, bConstrains, bConverged)
while (itr < niter)
// to zero Energy and forces
E = 0;
for (int ia = 0; ia < ffl.natoms; ia++)
ffl.fapos[ia] = Vec3dZero;

// calculate energy and forces
for(int ia=0; ia<ffl.natoms; ia++){
E += ffl.evalLJQs_atom_omp(ia, F2max);
if (bConstrains)
Econstr += constrs.apply(ffl.apos, ffl.fapos, &ffl.lvec);
E += Econstr;
for(int ia=0; ia<ffl.natoms; ia++){
ffl.assemble_atom( ia );

// prepare output
if (bFreeEnergyCalc && outF)
Vec3d direction = ffl.apos[1] - ffl.apos[0];
double value0, value1;
value0 = ffl.fapos[0].dot(direction);
value1 = ffl.fapos[1].dot(direction);
outF[itr] = -value1;//(value0 - value1)*0.5; // 0.5 is because of model where the collective variable is abs(x1-x0) and x1 = (x+lamba/2, y, z) and x0 = (x-lamba/2, y, z)
// aware array outV is connected with array positions in calculate_Free_energy() function
if (outV)
//outV[itr] = ffl.vapos[2].norm2();
outV[itr] = ffl.evalKineticEnergy();
if (outE)
outE[itr] = E;

// move atoms (atom 0 and 1 have forbiden movement in move_atom_Langevin function)
for (int ia = 0; ia < ffl.natoms; ia++)
ffl.move_atom_Langevin(ia, dt, 10000.0, go.gamma_damp, go.T_target);
// pseudo periodic boundary conditions
if (ffl.apos[2].x > 10.0)
ffl.apos[2].x -= 20;
if (ffl.apos[2].x < -10.0)
ffl.apos[2].x += 20;
if (ffl.apos[2].y > 5.0)
ffl.apos[2].y -= 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].y < -5.0)
ffl.apos[2].y += 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].z > 5.0)
ffl.apos[2].z -= 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].z < -5.0)
ffl.apos[2].z += 10;
return itr;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3564,11 +3489,24 @@ void thermodynamic_integration(int nbStep, int nMDSteps, double d_lamda, std::ve
TI[L] = 0.0;
sigmaTI[L] = 0.0;
printf("TI=%f, sigmaTI=%f\n", TI[L], sigmaTI[L]);
if(verbosity>2) printf("TI=%f, sigmaTI=%f\n", TI[L], sigmaTI[L]);


void store_TI(std::string filename, std::vector<double> lamda, std::vector<double> TI, std::vector<double> sigmaTI){
std::ofstream outfile(filename);
if (!outfile.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening file: " << filename << std::endl;
outfile << "lamda TI sigmaTI" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < lamda.size(); ++i) {
outfile << lamda[i] << " " << TI[i] << " " << sigmaTI[i] << std::endl;

double mexican_hat_TI(double lamda1, double lamda2, int nbStep = 100, int nMDSteps = 100000, int nEQsteps = 10000, double tdamp = 100.0, double T = 300, double dt = 0.5){
double gamma = 1/(dt*tdamp);
double d = 0.1;
Expand All @@ -3591,6 +3529,158 @@ double mexican_hat_TI(double lamda1, double lamda2, int nbStep = 100, int nMDSte
return deltaF;

int run_omp_three_atoms_problem(int niter_max, double dt, double Fconv = 1e-6, double Flim = 1000, double timeLimit = 0.02, double *outE = 0, double *outF = 0, double *outV = 0, double *outVF = 0)
if (dt > 0)
dt = opt.dt;
long T0 = getCPUticks();
double E = 0, F2 = 0, F2conv = Fconv * Fconv;
double ff = 0, vv = 0, vf = 0;
int itr = 0, niter = niter_max;
bConverged = false;
bool bFIRE = true;

double cdamp = ffl.colDamp.update(dt);
if (cdamp > 1)
cdamp = 1;
double F2max = ffl.FmaxNonBonded * ffl.FmaxNonBonded;

ffl.bNonBonded = bNonBonded;
ffl.setNonBondStrategy(bNonBondNeighs * 2 - 1);
if (bCheckStuck)
#pragma omp parallel shared(niter, itr, E, F2, ff, vv, vf, ffl, T0, bConstrains, bConverged)
while (itr < niter)
int move_atom = 2;
E = 0;
for (int ia = 0; ia < ffl.natoms; ia++)
ffl.fapos[ia] = Vec3dZero;

// calculate energy and forces
for (int ia = 0; ia < ffl.natoms; ia++)
E += ffl.evalLJQs_atom_omp(ia, F2max);
if (bConstrains)
Econstr += constrs.apply(ffl.apos, ffl.fapos, &ffl.lvec);
E += Econstr;
for (int ia = 0; ia < ffl.natoms; ia++)

// move atoms (atom 0 and 1 have forbiden movement)
ffl.move_atom_Langevin(2, dt, 10000.0, go.gamma_damp, go.T_target);

// output
if (bFreeEnergyCalc && outF)
Vec3d direction = ffl.apos[1] - ffl.apos[0];
double value0, value1;
value0 = ffl.fapos[0].dot(direction);
value1 = ffl.fapos[1].dot(direction);
outF[itr] = (value0 - value1) * 0.5; // 0.5 is because of model where the collective variable is abs(x1-x0) and x1 = (x+lamba/2, y, z) and x0 = (x-lamba/2, y, z)
if (outV)
outV[itr] = ffl.vapos[2].norm2();
if (outE)
outE[itr] = E;

// pseudo periodic boundary conditions
if (ffl.apos[2].x > 10.0)
ffl.apos[2].x -= 20;
if (ffl.apos[2].x < -10.0)
ffl.apos[2].x += 20;
if (ffl.apos[2].y > 5.0)
ffl.apos[2].y -= 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].y < -5.0)
ffl.apos[2].y += 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].z > 5.0)
ffl.apos[2].z -= 10;
if (ffl.apos[2].z < -5.0)
ffl.apos[2].z += 10;

return itr;

double three_atoms_problem_TI(double lamda1, double lamda2, int nbStep = 100, int nMDSteps = 100000, int nEQsteps = 10000, double tdamp = 100.0, double T = 300, double dt = 0.5){
ffl.neighs[0].x = -1;
ffl.neighs[1].x = -1;
ffl.neighs[2].x = -1;

double gamma = 1/(dt*tdamp);
double d = 0.1;

bool calculate_temperature = true;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> dE_dLamda(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));

std::vector<std::vector<double>> Energy(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));
std::vector<std::vector<double>> v2(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));

std::vector<double> lamda(nbStep);
double d_lamda = (lamda2 - lamda1) / (nbStep - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < nbStep; ++i) {
lamda[i] = lamda1 + i * d_lamda;

#pragma omp parallel for
for (int L = 0; L < nbStep; L++)
run_omp_three_atoms_problem(nEQsteps, dt); //equilibrate
run_omp_three_atoms_problem(nMDSteps, dt, 1e-20, 1000, 0.02, Energy[L].data(), dE_dLamda[L].data(), v2[L].data());
run_omp_three_atoms_problem(nMDSteps, dt, 1e-20, 1000, 0.02, nullptr, dE_dLamda[L].data(), nullptr);
ffl.apos[0].x -= d_lamda*0.5;
ffl.apos[1].x += d_lamda*0.5;

std::vector<double> TI(nbStep, 0.0);
std::vector<double> sigmaTI(nbStep, 0.0);
thermodynamic_integration(nbStep, nMDSteps, d_lamda,,,;

store_TI("results/TI_plot.dat", lamda, TI, sigmaTI);

for(int L = 0; L < nbStep; L++){
double v2_bar = std::accumulate(v2[L].begin(), v2[L].end(), 0.0) / nMDSteps;
double T_measured = v2_bar / (3 * const_kB);
printf("lamda=%f, v2_bar=%f, TI=%f, T_measured=%f\n", lamda[L], v2_bar, TI[L], T_measured);
for(int L = 0; L < nbStep; L++){
printf("%f\n", TI[L]);

double deltaF = TI[nbStep - 1];
return deltaF;

double compute_Free_energy(double lamda1, double lamda2, int n, int *dc, int nbStep = 100, int nMDSteps = 100000, int nEQsteps = 10000, double tdamp = 100.0, double T = 300, double dt = 0.5){
// set global parameters
double gamma = 1/(dt*tdamp); // = go.gamma_damp
Expand All @@ -3600,7 +3690,6 @@ double compute_Free_energy(double lamda1, double lamda2, int n, int *dc, int nbS
go.bExploring = true;
bConstrains = true;
bFreeEnergyCalc = true;
//return mexican_hat_TI(lamda1, lamda2, nbStep, nMDSteps, nEQsteps, tdamp, T, dt);

#ifdef mexican_hat_JE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3812,91 +3901,10 @@ double constant = 3 * const_kB * T / (1.2 * 1.2 * ((double)ffl.natoms-1));
Ref[0] = 0.0;
#ifdef three_atoms_problem_TI
//////////////////////////// Three atom problem ////////////////////////////////////
//std::vector<std::vector<double>> Energy(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));
std::vector<std::vector<double>> dE_dLamda(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));
//std::vector<std::vector<double>> positions(nbStep, std::vector<double>(nMDSteps));

std::vector<double> lamda(nbStep);
double d_lamda = (lamda2 - lamda1) / (nbStep - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < nbStep; ++i) {
lamda[i] = lamda1 + i * d_lamda;

#define MOVE_three_atoms() \
{ \
ffl.apos[0].x -= d_lamda*0.5; \
ffl.apos[1].x += d_lamda*0.5; \

double T_measured = 0;

std::vector<double> Fs(nbStep, 0.0);
std::vector<double> sigmaF(nbStep, 0.0);
std::vector<double> TI(nbStep, 0.0);
std::vector<double> sigmaTI(nbStep, 0.0);

#pragma omp parallel for
for (int L = 0; L < nbStep; L++)
run_omp(10000, dt); //equilibrate
//run_omp(nMDSteps, dt, 1e-20, 1000, 0.02, Energy[L].data(), dE_dLamda[L].data(), positions[L].data()); // run MD simulation
run_omp(nMDSteps, dt, 1e-20, 1000, 0.02, nullptr, dE_dLamda[L].data(), nullptr); // run MD simulation

double f = 0; //averaging
for (int i = 0; i < nMDSteps; i++)
f += dE_dLamda[L][i];
Fs[L] = f / nMDSteps;
double sigma = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nMDSteps; i++){
sigma += (dE_dLamda[L][i] - Fs[L]) * (dE_dLamda[L][i] - Fs[L]);
sigmaF[L] = std::sqrt(sigma / (nMDSteps - 1));

if (L > 0)
// TI calculation (unchanged)
TI[L] = TI[L - 1] + 0.5 * (Fs[L] + Fs[L - 1]) * d_lamda;

// Error propagation for trapezoidal rule
double variance_contribution = 0.25 * d_lamda * d_lamda * (sigmaF[L] * sigmaF[L] + sigmaF[L - 1] * sigmaF[L - 1]);
sigmaTI[L] = std::sqrt(sigmaTI[L - 1] * sigmaTI[L - 1] + variance_contribution);
TI[L] = 0.0;
sigmaTI[L] = 0.0;

// double lamda_bar = std::accumulate(positions[L].begin(), positions[L].end(), 0.0) / nMDSteps;
// double v2 = lamda_bar;
// T_measured = 2 * 0.5 * 1.66053906660e-27 * 1.0 * v2 * sq(1e-10 / 1.0180505710774743e-14) / (3 * 1.380649e-23);
// T_measured = 2 * lamda_bar / (3 * const_kB * 1);

// printf("ffl.apos[0]=(%f, %f, %f), ffl.apos[1]=(%f, %f, %f), lamda=%f, lamda_bar=%f, TI=%f, T_measured=%f\n", ffl.apos[0].x, ffl.apos[0].y, ffl.apos[0].z, ffl.apos[1].x, ffl.apos[1].y, ffl.apos[1].z, lamda[L], lamda_bar, TI[L], T_measured);

double deltaF = TI[nbStep - 1];

// save lamda and TI into dat file with headers "lamda" and "FreeEnergy"
std::ofstream file("results/TI_plot.dat");
file << "lamda" << " " << "TI" << " " <<"TI_sigma" << " " << "F_average" << " " << "F_sigma" << " " << "Ref" <<std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nbStep; i++)
file << lamda[i] << " " << (TI[i]) << " " << sigmaTI[i] << " " << Fs[i] << " " << sigmaF[i] << " " << Ref[i] << std::endl;

printf("deltaF=%f\n", deltaF);
return 0;

return deltaF;

Expand Down

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