Built with Python, Pelican, and the pelican-bootstrap3 theme. Deployed on GitHub Pages.
clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/ProfessorKazarinoff/staticsite.git
# update all the embedded git submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
build the conda environment and install the required packages
> conda create -n staticsite python=3.7
> conda activate staticsite
(staticsite)> conda install jupyter beautifulsoup4
(staticsite)> conda install -c conda-forge pelican==4.0.1 invoke==1.2.0 ghp-import==0.5.5
(staticsite)> pip install markdown==3.1 pymdown-extensions==5.0
build the site and preview
(staticsite)> cd staticsite
(staticsite)> invoke build
(staticsite)> invoke serve
# view at localhost:8000
publish the site to GitHub Pages
(staticsite)> invoke publishsite