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[Friday Talk] CRUD app with React meta-framework


Check the README file in infra directory.


If previous configured do run: npm run start in refine-strapi-system-news directory

You can log in to http://localhost:1337 with


Show this steps for other collection

  1. Create Strapi project: npx create-strapi-app@latest refine-strapi-system-news --quickstart

  2. Create a new collection type with Display name System news update this will create:

    • API ID singular: system-news-update
    • API ID plural: system-news-updates
  3. Create 2 fields for this collection: Title which is a Short text and Description which is Rich text (blocks)

  4. Save

  5. In Content manager Create new content, save and publish.

  6. We want to open the API so go to Settings -> USERS&PERMISSIONS PLUGIN -> Roles, find Public role and in Permission for System-news-update select all

  7. Save

If you visit http://localhost:1337/api/system-news-updates your previous Content, that you created above, should be displayed.


Check README file in api directory

Refine UI


  1. First tutorial
  2. Basic App
  3. Basic Auth
  4. Adding keycloak
  5. 2 data providers
  6. Custom update action


  • Be sure that the infra containers are running and are configured.
  • Don't forget to run strapi from refine-strapi-system-news directory
  • Run ui with: npm run dev