Created by Naima Malik and Priya Pradhan 👩🏻💻👩🏻💻 Technigo Group Project Week 4 - October 16th to October 22th 2023
This is Music Playlist app and it has the following features:
- Displays the music playlist of songs in the side bar and single and new album in two separate section.
- User can hover on the single and new album image and can see three icons:- i.e heart, play button and dot icons.
- icons opacity and size get enlarged while hovering over it.
- When hover over the artist and album name the underline appears
- when clicked on the artist and album name it will open the respective album in the new window.
- if there are only two artists it shows a "&" between them, and if there are more than two artists, you show "," between all artists except the last two which should have "&": Teyana Taylor & Kehlani and Y2K, bbno & Enrique Iglesias
- There is a scrollbar for the Singles and New albums sections
- In the side bar new songs data is fetched from stretched-goal.json file and added image and album name component
Describe how you approached to problem, and what tools and techniques you used to solve it. How did you plan? What technologies did you use? If you had more time, what would be next?
Problem: We had problems mostly with merging our work.
How we solved it: comparing with the previous working branches helped us solved it. we tried to merge our work as soon as we finish to work on a branch. Communicated via slack for quick questions.
Planning:- Planned on Trello: started with Basic requirements and then worked with intermitted and then Advance goal.
Tech used: Trello, Slack, Zoom and Goggle meet.
If we had more time:- we could have create a popup that would show the album when user clicks on any of the music playlist and maybe we could have used more css animation and styled to make it look better.