django-pucas is a reusable Django application to simplify logging into a Django application with CAS using django-cas-ng. Login and creation of user accounts is handled by django-cas-ng; pucas adds support for prepopulating user account data based on an LDAP search.
pucas should be pronounced like pookas for the Celtic spirit creature.
django-pucas is tested against:
- Django
- Python
django-pucas requires django-cas-ng 3.6 or greater.
Use pip to install:
pip install pucas
You can also install from Github. Use @master
or @0.5
to install a
specific tagged release or branch (e.g., for the lastest code on develop
pip install git+
Add both django-cas-ng and pucas to installed apps; enable authentication middleware and django-cas-ng authentication backend:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_cas_ng', 'pucas', ... ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', ... ) AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'django_cas_ng.backends.CASBackend', )
Include the default django-cas-ng login and logout urls provided with pucas, or configure them as needed based on the documentation:
urlpatterns = [ ... path('accounts/', include('pucas.cas_urls')), ... ]
Add required configurations to
CAS_SERVER_URL - Base URL of your CAS source
Configure LDAP settings as needed to populate user attributes:
PUCAS_LDAP = { 'SERVERS': ['ldap1', 'ldap2'], 'SEARCH_BASE': 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', 'SEARCH_FILTER': "(uid=%(user)s)", # attributes to request from the LDAP server 'ATTRIBUTES': ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail'], # mapping of User attributes to LDAP attributes # if passed list for the value, the first attribute to return a # value will be used 'ATTRIBUTE_MAP': { 'first_name': 'givenName', 'last_name': 'sn', 'email': ['mail', 'eduPersonPrincipalName'] }, # Optional local method to do additional user initialization # not handled by attribute map. Method should take a user # object and ldap search result. 'EXTRA_USER_INIT': 'myproj.myapp.models.init_profile_from_ldap' 'BIND_DN': 'uid=username,o=your org,c=country_code', 'BIND_PASSWORD': 'secreupasswordforyourldap', }
- Note:
are optional if you want to bind anonymously. Add them if they are required by your LDAP. This supports user/pass authentication.
- Note:
Run migrations to create database tables required by django-cas-ng:
python migrate
To make CAS login available on the Django admin login form, extend the
default admin login form and include or adapt the provided CAS login
template snippet. An example admin login form is included at
; copy this to
within a valid template directory and modify
as needed.
An example of a login template with local branding is provided at
using re-usable template
snippets that can be adapted or re-used as appropriate.
Note that login templates have not yet been updated for Django 3.x.
Users can login with CAS and have a Django user account automatically created and populated with LDAP data based on the settings.
Two manage commands are provided, for convenience.
- Use
python ldapsearch netid1 netid2 netid3
for testing your LDAP configuration and attributes. - Use
python createcasuser netid
to initialize a new CAS account and populate data from LDAP without requiring the user to login first, as an aid to managing accounts and permissions. The optional flag--admin
will give the new account superuser permissions
This git repository uses git flow branching conventions, with main as the current production release branch.
Initial setup and installation:
recommended: create and activate a python 3.5 virtualenv:
virtualenv pucas -p python3.5 source pucas/bin/activate
pip install the package with its python dependencies:
pip install -e .
Unit tests are written with py.test but use some Django test classes for compatibility with django test suites. Running the tests requires a minimal settings file for Django required configurations.
Copy sample test settings and add a secret key:
cp ci/
To run the tests, either use the configured test command:
python test
Or install test requirements and use py.test directly:
pip install -e '.[test]' py.test
django-pucas is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
©2016 Trustees of Princeton University. Permission granted via Princeton Docket #18-3398-1 for distribution online under a standard Open Source license. Ownership rights transferred to Rebecca Koeser provided software is distributed online via open source.