Epitaph is a bookkeeping application for Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition.
It can be used to track Haunt Conditions, including charges and enhancements, or as a quick reference for Haunts.
The application can be found at https://primalzed.github.io/epitaph.
Planned or considered features for future updates.
export / import file saves
Separate router outlet for action button
(?) Choose source character
How to represent charges? Dots?
(?) notice of Condition ending without resolving if charges are spent
(Add custom Effect; option to save for later)
- Load starting state from a peer
- Transmit actions to peers
export interface Character {
id: number;
name: string;
player: string;
haunts: {
key: string;
dots: number;
keys: {
key: string;
source: string;
Track Doomed conditons?
Review / clear house-rule effects added to Haunts