This extension gives you an easy interface to import/export Custom URL rewrites. As of this current version, please note that it does not yet import/export System rewrites.
After the extension has been properly installed, you will see a new menu option under Catalog named ‘URL Rewrite Import/Export’. Here you will find an interface to both import and export URL rewrites. The best way to get started is to create a custom rewrite and run an export. You will see how it is setup and it will give you the proper CSV format to work with for importing.
You’ll find further detailed instructions on importing and the column definitions there. As mentioned there, at this time, this extension does not support System rewrites. It will only import/export Custom rewrites.
After each import, you will see an output of how many successful rows were imported, and for any rows that had an error and did not import, you will be shown a list of each row #, and what the error was.
Note: As mentioned above, only ‘Custom’ rewrites are supported in the current version. ‘System’ rewrites may be introduced in a future version.