maintainer |
alexsedova |
Build Packer docker image with preinstalled Azure plugin
cd packer-made-win-slave && docker build -t packer-azure:0.8.6 .
Login to Azure. First time you have to use your browser :( In order to use on-premise instance you have to add it as additional environment. See "./ account env" for more details
./ login
Download *.publishsettings file - you have to use your browser again :( Move to this directory and rename to credentials.publishsettings. Possible way to automate is to preinstall this file to the build host. This file is needed for packer to login to Azure. Also, next time when you want to login you can execute "./ account import credentials.publishsettings" - this command will automatically log you in without browser.
./ account download
Create storage account - will be used to store created images. Known problem - unclear how to pass in location because of the space in location name. Anyhow most of the commands require at least some interaction with user
./ storage account create --type LRS packerdemo0
Find image that you want to use as a base image and use show command to get its label - requered for packer template
./ vm image show
Create jenkins_config/jenkins.txt - it should contain 3 lines - url to master, user name, passoword. Those credentials will be used to create local user and for Jenkins Swarm agent when connecting to master
Kick off build using the command below
./ build -var "scripts=." -var "ps=credentials.publishsettings" -var "sa=packerdemo0" template.json
Find your image
./ vm image list | grep Packer
Create a Virtual Machine out of it
./ vm create PackerMadeSlave PackerMadeWindowsSlave_2016-03-06_18-43 -g jenkins -p Password123! -r -e -z Medium
Start VM
./ vm start PackerMadeSlave