Generates your own Simpsons TV scripts using RNNs. This'll be using part of the Simpsons dataset of scripts from 27 seasons. The Neural Network built will generate a new TV script for a scene at Moe's Tavern.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the python file or the jupyter notebook to get started
Note:Training Neural Networks takes a lot of time and usage of GPU or cloud services is highly recommended
moe_szyslak: ya, i think boy, thank you, too actually a nigerian drive of new street in a sea drink" park by" like me here...(to barflies on") no shut lenny.
waylon_smithers: here's to dr. a" in a pockets, to hurt"" / where would you been your butt of the s they drink to say in of"."(to homer) when i spend a date for less on a ring.
moe_szyslak: to take her you or ya like a family ago in" / so i won't join together with alcohol next in the noble best her here. i'm just the more fight.
ned_flanders: no more of i pop anything to help you and fight in springfield, i gotta be, i'd be our love for the twenty years of your brains.
carl_carlson: like you were like i, ya simpson.(sketching sigh) we're be my head, so that's i did. you can take it tap. and i have no opportunity to buy been right in her hangin' out with you with beer in night.
moe_szyslak: what's a new guy to make him with an car, i lost to take you out, i never seen him into a girl drink, in.
lenny_leonard:(to" singing) your infatuation is gonna been in ya!
- The network learns words and the English grammar and language
- If provided with a bigger dataset and more training time,the output would have been clearer and more understandable