Question Number | Program | Link to Code |
Q1 | Write a C program to check if a given number is Fibonacci number. | Link |
Q2 | Write a C program to generate Pascal Triangle using array. | Link |
Q3 | Write a C program to roll_no, name , percentange of 5 students using array of structure and display the records in ascending order of roll list. | Link |
Q4 | Write a C program to roll_no, name , percentange of 5 students using array of structure and display the records in descending order of percentange. | Link |
Q5 | Write a C program to find largest element in an array | Link |
Q6 | Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations in an ARRAY 1.INSERT 2.DELETE 3.TRAVERSE 4.SEARCH |
Link |
Q7 | Define a structure data type called time_struct containing 3 members int hour, int minute and int second. Write functions that accept the structure to perform the following operations: 1. Input new time 2. Display the time 3. Update the time such that the function accepts the time_struct and increments the time by one second.If the increment results in 60 seconds, the then second member is set to 0 and the minute is incremented by 1. Then, if the result is 60 minutes, the minute member is set to 0 and the hour member is incremented by 1. Finally when the hour becomes 24, it is set to zero. |
Link |
Q8 | Write a function that compares two arrays and returns 1 if they are identical and 0 otherwise. | Link |
Question Number | Program | Link to Code |
Q1 | Write a menu driven program to implement list ADT using SINGLE LINKED LIST and perform the following operations 1. CREATE 2. INSERT AT BEGINNING 3. INSERT AT END 4. INSERT AT LOCATION 5. DELETE AT BEGINNING 6. DELETE AT END 7. DELETE AT LOCATION 8. DISPLAY 9. SEARCH 10. COUNT 11. COPY 12. CONCATENATE 13. SPLIT 14. REVERSE |
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Q2 | Write a menu driven program to implement list ADT using CIRCULAR LINKED LIST and perform the following operations 1. CREATE 2. INSERT AT BEGINNING 3. INSERT AT END 4. INSERT AT LOCATION 5. DELETE AT BEGINNING 6. DELETE AT END 7. DELETE AT LOCATION 8. DISPLAY 9. SEARCH 10. COUNT 11. COPY 12. CONCATENATE 13. SPLIT 14. REVERSE |
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Q3 | Write a menu driven program to implement list ADT using DOUBLE LINKED LIST and perform the following operations 1. CREATE 2. INSERT AT BEGINNING 3. INSERT AT END 4. INSERT AT LOCATION 5. DELETE AT BEGINNING 6. DELETE AT END 7. DELETE AT LOCATION 8. DISPLAY 9. SEARCH 10. COUNT 11. COPY 12. CONCATENATE 13. SPLIT 14. REVERSE |
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Q4 | Write a menu driven program to implement list ADT using CIRCULAR DOUBLE LINKED LIST and perform the following operations 1. CREATE 2. INSERT AT BEGINNING 3. INSERT AT END 4. INSERT AT LOCATION 5. DELETE AT BEGINNING 6. DELETE AT END 7. DELETE AT LOCATION 8. DISPLAY 9. SEARCH 10. COUNT 11. COPY 12. CONCATENATE 13. SPLIT 14. REVERSE |
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Q5 | Write a menu driven program to implement STACK ADT using array and perform the following operations 1. PUSH 2. POP 3. DISPLAY 4. PEEK |
Link |
Q6 | Write a menu driven program to implement STACK ADT using linked list and perform the following operations 1. PUSH 2. POP 3. DISPLAY 4. PEEK |
Link |
Q7 | Write a program to REVERSE a given string using a Stack | Link |
Q8 | Write a program to check if a given number is a PALINDROME using a stack | Link |
Q9 | Write a program to implement PARENTHESES CHECKER using a stack | Link |
Q10 | Write a program for conversion of INFIX to POSTFIX expression. | Link |
Q11 | Write a program to evaluate postfix expressions by making use of Stack. | Link |
Q12 | Write a menu driven program to implement QUEUE ADT using array and perform the following operation 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY |
Link |
Q13 | Write a menu driven program to implement QUEUE ADT using linked list and perform the following operation 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4.SEARCH |
Link |
Q14 | Write a menu driven program to implement CIRCULAR QUEUE ADT using array and perform the following operation 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4.COUNT |
Link |
Q15 | Write a menu driven program to implement following operations in a binary search tree (BST). 1. Insertion of node 2. Deletion of node 3. Counting of nodes 4. Preorder Traversal 5. Postorder Traversal 6. Inorder Traversal 7. Search node in the tree |
Link |
Q16 | Write a program to implement traversal of a directed graph through BFS | Link |
Q17 | Write a program to implement traversal of a directed graph through DFS | Link |
Q18 | Write a program to implement Binary Search | Link |
Q19 | Write a program to implement Bubble sort | Link |
Q20 | Write a program to implement Selection sort | Link |
Q21 | Write a program to implement Insertion sort | Link |
Q22 | Write a program to implement Quick sort | Link |
Q23 | Write a program to implement Merge sort | Link |