This extension extends the Payone Payment extension with an postponed capture functionality. This is necessary as some payment provides (e.g. Payolution Debit) just reserve a payment and require to actually capture the amount only after shipment. The extension listens to the shipment_saved_after event and then checks if a capture has to be set.
You can easily clone this repo with modman. Learn more in the modman wiki at
$ modman clone
Alternatively you can download the repo and transfer the content of the src directory into your Magento root directory. After the installation clear the cache and that's it.
You find the configuration as a new section at Payone Extensions. You can set:
- Capture Payolution on Shipping: Activate the automatic capture of Payolution payments after shipment was created
Feel free to edit and change the extensions as you wish. You can easily extend the logic to other payment methods by adding them to the observer method. Moreover, the capture function also supports offline captures necessary.
- This extension was tested with Magento 1.9.x but it should also work with older versions (probably till 1.4.x).