Notebooks, documentation for the sampler package can be found in the docs site for this repo
Aditi Pujar, Asad Hussain, Kody Anderson, Shivan Mittal
Imagine a distribution
- to package our own Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm and existing Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm from
library into a single class interface, and - to demonstrate the ease of use of out interface and the utility of the sampling algorithms via the following examples of,
Phase transition in soft sphere packing correlation function with lowering temperature
Phase transition in 1D Quantum spin chain with increasing parameter "p" of the Hamiltonian (characterizes the Bell-state property of a local term in the Hamiltonian) Posterior distribution for the hyperparameters of a population model computed by performing hierarchical inference on samples from every confident LIGO binary black hole detection
Phase transition in spin glasses upon decreasing temperature, reflected in both - the Edwards Anderson Order parameter and the rugged energy landscapes
Phase transition in 2D Ising model upon decreasing temperature