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Portable Apps for MacOS-X/XI-64 (aka MacOS-10/11-64) (MacOS10, MacOS11, MacOSX, MacOSXI) is a Set of Scripts/Tools Which Allows To Run Apps (i.e: Mozilla’s “Firefox.app”) made for macOS, As A Portable App For MacOS (aka Portable App For MacOS-X/XI-64 / MacOS-10/11-64), And Also Allows To Run (Second/Third/)Multiple Instances Of Same App in macOSX/macOSXI (macOS-X/XI, macOS-10/11). (View this repo/project on GitHub).
The Newer ‘Script’(s)/Tool(s) That We Are Building Can (Also) Be Modified/Adapted To Use With Other “Portable Apps for MacOS-X/XI-64” (Under This Project), And Can Also Be Used With Older “Portable Apps for OSX” (from another developer’s project “FreeSMUG”/“osxportableapps”).
- FreeSMUG/osx-pa based older Portable Apps cannot run on 64-bit-only macOSX (Catalina, or macOSXI after it) because Apps were not built with completely 64bit compatible codes/tools, AND because: Apple has removed 32-bit support (almost-completely) from macOSX Catalina & macOSXI after it)
- For Windows based “PortableApps”, checkout another developer’s project: https://github.com/PortableApps
- By the way, not-all but some Windows Apps Can Be Run On macOS-X/XI By Using : “Wine”, “Wineskin”, “WineBottler”, “PlayOnMac”, etc.
- Not-all but many many
based tools/apps can be built from source-code (and some binary/executable
tools can also be downloaded/used) on your macOS-X/XI Mac computer,
by using these package-management tools:
• “MacPorts”
(Be warned: “MacPorts” requires admin/sudo privileged access),
• “pkgsrc” (macOS) (Be warned: “pkgsrc” also requires admin/sudo privileged access),
• “HomeBrew” (click on “Assets” below a release, then click on “brew-*.tar.gz” to download). (ByTheWay, Be Warned1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,... of Violation of Privacy-Rights by “HomeBrew” project & “Google” and other risks : HomeBrew (by-default) uses Google engines/APIs/etc, & Google stores+records+collects your ALL download/usage patterns/profile, private-info, etc near-ForEver. But one good aspect is “HomeBrew” does-not require admin/sudo privileged access.),
• “Craft” 1
• “MacPorts”
(Be warned: “MacPorts” requires admin/sudo privileged access),
- ( PA = pa = Portable App )
- Portable-Apps-For-MacOS-X/XI-64 (aka “Portable-Apps-OS-X-XI-64” aka
“PortableApps-ForMacOS64” aka “PortableApps-OSX1-64”):
| F
| Portable Firefox OS-X-XI-64
- Content/INDEX List: | Intro | Build/Run-Tools(for-Devs) ¹{ Portable-Apps-OS-X-XI-64 | Xcode | Swift | Platypus | Pashua }¹ | Pre-Build(for-Devs) ²{ PB-1 | Duplicate (License & ReadMe) | PB-2 | PB-3 | PB-4 | PB-5 }² | Build(for-Devs) ³{ B-1 | B-2 | B-3 | B-4 }³ | Post-Build(for-Users) | Run/Execute/Test | Errors | Help-To-Build | Extra-Notes ⁴{ Load Folders Under RootFolder | Show All Files Folders | Related Unicode Chars | Verify File Authenticity | CodeSign }⁴ | Abbreviations | License(s) |
• macOSXI Big Sur - version is 11.0.z (
10.16.z) (mostly 64bit-only)
• macOSX Catalina - version is 10.15.z (mostly 64bit-only)
• macOSX Mojave - version is 10.14.z (64bit+32bit)
• macOSX High-Sierra - version is 10.13.z (64bit+32bit)
• macOSX Sierra - version is 10.12.z (64bit+32bit)
( XI = 11 = Eleven = macOS-XI = macOSXI = macOS11 )
( X = 10 = Ten = macOS-X = macOSX = macOS10 )
( X/XI = X-XI = 10/11 = 10-11 = Ten/Eleven = Ten-Eleven = macOS-X/XI = macOS-X-XI = macOS-10/11 )
( Generally in a version number X.Y.Z , X indicates a MAJOR version number, Y is Minor , Z is patch / build / maintenance , then a revision alphanum string may/can exist. But Apple followed different versioning: Significant.Major.Minor )
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
- Portable-Apps-For-MacOS-X/XI-64 (aka “Portable-Apps-OS-X-XI-64” aka
“PortableApps-ForMacOS64” aka “PortableApps-OSX1-64”):
| F
| Portable Firefox OS-X-XI-64
- To DEVs/USERs: • Verify
files/apps after download. And download only when download url/website
begins with “https”.
• TO USERs, If you only-want to USE a pre built App, & do not want to completely compile/build, then go directly into App sub-dir/sub-folder, shown here & obtain"*-ForMacOS64.dmg"
)₁ file release, and FOLLOW “POST-BUILD (for USER)” instruction shown on “Portable-AppName-OS64” (or “Portable-AppName-OS-X-XI-64”) page, to know what else you have to get & do.
• To USERs, Some items/files/components we may-not (or cannot) directly include inside in some of the built+shared App archive ("*.dmg"
, etc) file. Either because of License/proprietary restrictions Or to provide you/USER more Security/Privacy Or there are some type of file-sharing (or file-distribution), etc related restriction(s).
Some files/components should not be provided by someone-else, as it may have pre-fixed (or trackable) IDs/numbers/settings, etc.
So it is better+safer to load/install (those specific components) on your side by yourself, to get your own (and different than others) IDs/numbers/etc.
And in some cases, some IDs/numbers inside some specific items/components need-to-be or should-be anonymized(either randomized in some cases or kept-same in other cases), to provide more Privacy/Security to USER, some of those steps are/will-be done (if possible) and pre-included by us/DEVs, and All of such modifications/matters are mentioned in that (Portable) App’s webpage.
To USERs, you can skip below BUILD-TOOLS & Other sections which are for DEVELOPERs, & Goto next “POST-BUILD(for USERs)” section (in this page), Or goto the "POST-BUILD (for USERs)" section in the (Portable) App’s webpage, from which you want to obtain the (Portable) App.
Script(s)/Tool(s), Config(s)/Settings, etc For “Portable-Apps-For-MacOS-X-XI-64” (aka “PortableApps-ForMacOS64”) (this project) are Released with following (combined) LICENSE(s) + RESTRICTIONs + PERMISSIONs:
• GNU General Public License Version 3
(GPL v3).
• Do Not Use This To Kill/Harm/Violate (or Steal-from)(Any) Human/Community,Earth,etc.
• Copyright © 2020 Erik T Ashfolk (<atErik@ÖυťĹöōķ·ċōm; atErïķ@AśhFölķ·ćōm> Do Not Copy Eml-Adrs, Type In English/basic-Latin Char, No Soliciting Permitted). All rights reserved.
• (All other trademarks, etc cited here are the property of their respective owners.)
• (All other copyright items cited here are the copyright of their respective author/creator.)
( PA = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
Xcode is released by Apple. It includes complete toolset for developing Mac/macOS, iPhone/iOS, etc, IDE (GUI) for building Apps,etc, iOS simulator, source-code management, Frameworks & Tools, Command-Line-Tools(CLT), etc, etc, etc, etc.
At currrent stage of this project, we will-be/are using only/mostly Command-Line-Tools (CLT) portion of Xcode. CLT includes: SDK frameworks & headers, compiler (
etc), Linker, Make, etc etc.-
to install Xcode-CLT, run this command in Terminal window:
xcode-select --install
or, Visit Apple Dev site (and create a “free” account) & obtain only Xcode-CLT portion (not full Xcode), for now:
Command Line Tools for Xcode 11.5(dmg file, 260.4 MBytes) (May-20, 2020) has MD5:5620d026d2313934cdfee2499c10ccc4, SHA1:23943d6eaccdec9290077457252132707298210f, SHA256:4a6210962fe568d871e2b51ceb8836930031f432a8e1a7ec2e98f64768f87c79.
To get a sense on size of FULL Xcode: Xcode 11.5 (xip file, 8.12 GBytes) (May-20, 2020) has MD5:65a84fa871855af4f369fe643fe278e0, SHA1:4654b261841d0336cb90ea1c82d15fd7aa03c982, SHA256:a5568ae0d30d9d3be94416dbd1aa3a26f23ca5d937c4b9895913cda1b18ceea4.
Swift is released by Apple. Its a programming language, etc (to build Apps, etc). Since v2.2 it is released as open-source. It provides Swift related
compiler & related toolchains,
frameworks & headers, etc to Xcode.At currrent stage of this project, we may/will-be/are using Swift Toolchain:
Older "Portable AppName.app" bundle is created/packaged by using the Platypus script wrapper (aka Platypus App builder) from http://sveinbjorn.sytes.net/platypus
New website:
GitHub: https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Platypus
Platypus is licensed under BSD-3-clause, & Platypus (v5.3 & later version) seems to be able to generate 64bit-only compatible app bundles, but it does not (digitally) sign or provides any option to sign the generated app bundle, So it seems, only Admin level privileged user can use+run Platypus generated apps in 64bit-only macOSX (Catalina, & macOSXI after it), and (it appears v5.3 & later version generated) apps can also be run/used in 64bit+32bit supported macOSX (Mojave & macOSX before it) by a less privileged user.
To wrap an App for macOSX Mojave & macOSX before it, use v4.9. Zip file is 1.7 MBytes, MD5:076f27017fde028948fe560dd7457b71, SHA1:490107b5da6f16cfe7d64692b1699905c3eba960.
To wrap an App for macOSX Catalina & macOSXI after it, use v5.3 & later. v5.3 zip file is 3.3 MBytes, MD5:51ebf430b45529a7dd891b8d6cd80517, SHA1:dacaf4b6f9309f4abff3f453ea31fe0edf74dd05.
Pashua dialog uses completely 64bit compatible codes, so it seems to be a good choice for now (as a ‘dialog’/interaction assistor), (and its licensed-under BSD-3-clause), Check here:
Github: https://github.com/BlueM/Pashua
We have to use Pashua Or similar, because older “Portable Apps OSX” (from “FreeSMUG”/“osx-pa”) did not include 64bit-only compatible dialog/interaction software/tools, So cannot be run/executed on 64-only macOSX (Catalina, or macOSXI after it).
Pashua(dmg) v0.11 file has 1.8 MBytes, MD5:7492da10f78dde4833264eebbda9c210, SHA1:bcc843a1f889ff779a6b6acc1b90a27b72f040f5.
( PA = pa = Portable App )
Here, We use “OSX” or “OS-X” or “OSX-Old” or
“OS-X-Old” ₁(and Not-“OS64”, and also
Not-“OS-X-XI-64”)₁ in-the-End of a Folder/Directory NAME
to indicate, that this Folder/Dir is for an older PA app (that was
likely obtained from “OsxPortableApps”/“FreeSMUG” site) & its
not-compatible with 64bit-only macOSX (Catalina & macOSXI after it),
and We use “OS64” or “OS-X-XI-64” or “64”
at-end of a Folder/Dir NAME ₂(i.e:
“Portable-App-OS64” or
“Portable-App-OS-X-XI-64” or
“PortableAppName-OS64” or
“PortableAppName-OSX64” or
“PortableAppName-OSXI64” or
“PortableAppName-OS-X-XI-64” or
“PortableAppName-OSX-64” or
“PortableAppName-OSXI-64” or
“PortableAppName-OSX-OSXI-64” etc)₂ to indicate, this is where
we will use this-project & this is where we will work + create/build
our App that will/can run on both: 64-bit-only macOSX (Catalina
& macOSXI after it) and also on 64bit+32bit based (older) macOSX
(Mojave & macOSX before it).
- Above folder can also be accessed in this shorter way in
macOS (Catalina, or macOSXI after it):
Follow Create Folder(s) Under RootFolder section for macOS (Catalina, or macOSXI after it).
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
- Above folder can also be accessed in this shorter way in
macOS (Catalina, or macOSXI after it):
- Note:
To DEVs, You Must Create DUPLICATE-Files
For “LICENSE” & “README.md” File(s), & Duplicates Must Have
Different FileNAME :
For Any Item (Program / Script / Tool / License / ReadMe file, etc)
Under This Project/Repo, (If Not Done Already/Yet), Devs/You
Need/Have To Add A “ReadMe” & A “License” File, You May/Can Do That
In This Way :
Use GitHub To Create a New File, Then Type in "LICENSE" in
FileName-Box, GitHub Will Show A Button/Option To Add a LICENSE
file, Use That, Then Choose & Add Your Choice Of "LICENSE" Type,
Then Goto RAW View (Page/Mode/Button) of that LICENSE file,
Copy & Paste That (RAW)-Info/Content Into Another NEW (Text)
File With Such File-Name:
(i.e: "LICENSE.MPL-2.0.Firefox.txt"). And You Also Need/Have To Create Another NEW File To Duplicate The Content Of “README.md”, It Will Be A Backup “ReadMe” File, But It Must Have A Different FileNAME:"README.<Software/Script/Program/Tool-NAME>.md"
₃(i.e: "README.PortableFirefox-ForMacOS64.md" or "README.PortableAppsOS64-Firefox.md" or "README.PortableFirefox-OS64.md" or "README.PortableApps-OS-X-XI-64-Firefox.md" or "README.PAOS64-Firefox.md" or "README.PA-OS-X-XI-64-Firefox.md" or "README.PAOS64-Firefox.md" or "README.PA-ForMacOS64-Firefox.md" or "README.PA64-Firefox.md", etc)₃.
This Will Allow To CLEARLY Show+Include : Which App Has Which/What “README” File, & Which App Has Which/What “LICENSE” File, & This Will AVOID The Problem Of OVERWRITE/DISCARD Of Same Named “LICENSE” File(s) Or Same Named “README.md” File(s), When Multiple Different-Project’s Tool / Script / Program / License / README, etc Are (Or Will Be) Placed In Same Folder. This Project Uses (And Will Use) Multiple Items (From Different Folders) Into Same Folder. So Each File Must Have Unique (aka: Non-Conflicting, aka: different) File-NAME. PLEASE Follow The Convention We Laid Out, Thank You.
( PA = pa = Portable App . Lic = Licn = License . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
from here: https://Sveinbjorn.org/platypus
and install in your Mac computer, new version allows to build “*.app” for both: 64bit-only macOSX Catalina (or macOSXI after it), & also for 64bit+32bit macOSX Mojave or macOSX before that.
Also get Platypus v4.9, as that is/was the last 32bit+64bit supported ( & working) Platypus (for older mcOSX), that allows to build/wrap macOS app⒮ for 64bit+32bit suppported older macOSX Mojave or macOSX earlier of that.
- Open dmg installer, Copy "Pashua.app", "Pashua.sh"
into below build related folder:
( shorter form of above location is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/"
( or, Copy in your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/"
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
(to convert them as “Portable App” Or to convert them as Multi-instance App).
PB-5: Get (Language, Profile, License, etc) build related files/folders/bundles:
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/"
( Or, Paste into your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/"
c: Obtain old PortableAppNameOSX App (i.e: PortableFirefoxOSX) (download from here(FreeSMUG/OsxPortableApps sites), Or download any other non-portable macOS Apps directly from original releaser’s website.
d: Double-Click/Tap on
file to view internal contents(files, bundles,
folders, etc).- 1st Create a
single-letter sub-dir/sub-folder by using the 1st alphabet/letter of
“AppName”, in the location which was shown in above PB-5-a step,
& also shown below:
( above location’s shorter form is:
then Create another sub-dir with “AppName”, under that single-letter sub-dir:
( above location’s shorter form is:
( Or, Create it inside your userspace, like this:
( NOTE: Use “OSX” or “OSX-Old” (and Not-“OS64”) in the End, to indicate the App inside this folder is Not-Yet-Converted into a “Portable-App-OS64”, & this App (very likely) was obtained from “OsxPortableApps”/“FreeSMUG” site.
( PA = pa = Portable App. . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 = MacOS-10/11-64bit )
under the location shown in PB-5-a step:-
( above location’s shorter form is:
( Or, Create that sub-dir inside your userspace, like this:
"Portable AppName OS X"
folder (or in
folder). And inside
that folder, you will/should find the portable app bundle
"Portable AppName.app"
."Portable AppName.app"
bundle, which is here:"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName OS X/Portable AppName.app"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName OS X/Portable AppName.app"
( Or, access it inside your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-AppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName OS X/Portable AppName.app"
and select“Show Package Contents”
option, to go inside the bundle:
(and "profile"
if it exists), from below location (and below location is inside the
bundle):"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName OS X/Portable AppName.app/Contents/Resources/"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName/Portable AppName.app/Contents/Resources/"
( Or, here:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-AppName-OSX-Old/Portable AppName OS X/Portable AppName.app/Contents/Resources/"
i-2: If you want to use your existing Portable-App’s settings/profile from"Portable AppName OS X"
(which is in your external storage/drive), then Copy"profile"
folder from that, into our build location.
i-3: If you want to use your existing App’s settings/“profile” in your/current system (inside your computer’s internal drive), with the newer “Portable AppName ForMacOS64”, then copy below “profile” folder:
"/Users/MyUserName/Library/Applications Support/AppName/Profiles/********.default/"
( Note: some app’s Developer uses the app’s NAME inside"Applications Support/"
folder, some Dev uses his/her own Or employer company NAME. So you should (or may need to) find out app’s company/business/group name also. )
( above location’s shorter form is:
( Or, Paste in your userspace:
Tips: a good practice from beginning would-be, After getting this
(Place it inside the recommended folder, which is shown few paragraphs above),
1st Rename it to
, then Open "script.sh"
with your choice of code editing/developing editor/build software,Improve/Modify source code, Save,
then Use below commands to test if bash code syntaxes are right Or where the fault⒮ is/are:
1│MacNm:~ UsrNm$ sh -n /System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OS64/script.sh
2│MacNm:~ UsrNm$ echo $?
4│MacNm:~ UsrNm$
( the above ‘script’ can also be accessed from here:
When there is no syntax-error, (in other words, When the output is “0”),
then copy the"script.sh"
& paste it in same folder,
& Rename the"script.sh Copy"
(or"script Copy.sh"
) file, into the"script"
then follow next/below stage/procedures.
“Portable AppName ForMacOS64.app”
bundle, by using
To build new
“Portable AppName ForMacOS64.app”
choose these below files, directories, bundles, etc inside the Platypus GUI interface:-
• directory : English.lproj
• directory (optional) : profile
• bundle : AppName.app
• bundle : Pashua.app
• icon : P_AppName_Caution.icns
• icon : appIcon.icns
• sh-script : pashua.sh
• sh-script : pashua.sh.lib
• sh-script : script
• tool : filecount
• tool : dirsize
• readme-file : Read me.txt
• license-file : GPL-3.0_LICENSE_for_script.txt (or GPL-3.0_LICENSE_for_Script/Tool-Name.txt)
• license-file : <App’s-License’s-shortName-&-version-number>_LICENSE_for_AppName.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause_LICENSE_for_Pashua.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause_LICENSE_for_Platypus.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause.txt
• directory : English.lproj
• Script Type : Shell : /bin/sh
• Script Path :/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OS64/script
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/<1st-Alphabet-Of-AppName>/PortableAppName-OS64/script"
( if you’re using your userpsace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-AppName-OS64/script"
• Interface : Text Window
• Unselected options : Run with root privileges , Run in background , Accept dropped items
• Selected/Check-Marked options : Remain running after execution
• App Name : Portable AppName ForMacOS64 (or specify what you want)
• Fill in other boxes: identifier, author, etc
B-4: Then tap/click/select/press the “Create App”
It will create/generate a new “Portable AppName ForMacOS64.app”
bundle, that is
compatible with 64-only macOSX (Catalina, or macOSXI after it), and also
compatible with 64bit+32bit macOSX (Mojave, or 64bit-supported macOSX
earlier of it)
Users/you may have to download+add some files or apps or components
(or change a settings) by yourself, & place that inside a specific
sub-folder location, inside the “*.app”
which is inside the downloaded “*.dmg”
Under this project in different App’s page, instruction in this
section/paragraph, will be different.
This section/paragraph may also be empty, if User have to do nothing.
App/bundle that was built.You may OPTIONALLY do these:
• Which “profile” folder is used by the running
AppName ?
- AppName > main menu > ... > Show Profile Folder: ...
If you have spotted an bug/error/fault, then let us know,
create/report an issue under this project in GitHub.
And during/after build, if you received/observed/found Error(s)
please Write down what Error⒮ you’re getting,
try to research & try to solve as much possible,
and/then Let us know about your unsolved errors & Share your
code changes
by creating an
here in GitHub, & submit info.
If no errors, even then please share your final working code, your
OS info, etc (if you want to)
either: by Forking/Cloning (this project) + Edit/Change & Test ‘script’
file in your side/computer + Push your own (successful/working) code-changes
inside your own (this)-cloned-project first + then send a Pull-request to
this “PortableApps-ForMacOS64” project,
or: by Sharing/pasting your code-changes, by using the create new “Issue”
option in GitHub under this project.
Please help+contribute+collaborate+improve+rectify current codes to
build this bash-shell ‘script’ (or apple-script or ..., etc ),
so-that it can be run/used by Platypus Or run/used directly by user,
To run macOS Apps on (64-bit) macOS-X/XI from portable/external
drive/storage⒮), Or run macOS App as a second/third/multi-instance
of same App.
Thanks in advance.
Create Directory Under Root-Directory: ( Directory = Folder ) |
To create "MyProjects" folder in mac hard drive (not under your user-name),
you may edit synthetic.conf :
Now "MyProjects" or "Development" folder(s) can be accessed in these ways:
Show All Files & Folders in macOS: |
To see all files in Finder (inlcuding Hidden/System) in macOS,
i executed below 2-commands:
Goto Top or Index |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• Low-Density Dotted Grph Char ░ ░ 176 | • Medium-Density Dotted ▒ ▒ 177 | • High-Density Dotted ▓ ▓ 178 |
• Block █ █ █ 219 | • Bottom Half-Block ▄ ▄ ▄ 220 | • Top Half-Block ▀ ▀ ▀ 223 |
⬑1of3 | ⬑2of3 | ⬑3of3 |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
Box-Drawings: | ||
• Light-Horizontal ─ ─ | • Light-Vertical │ │ | • Light-Down&Right ┌ ┌ |
• Light-Down&Left ┐ ┐ | • Light-Up&Right └ └ | • Light-Up&Left ┘ ┘ |
• Light-Vert&Right ├ ├ | • Light-Vert&Left ┤ ┤ | • Light-Down&Horizontal ┬ ┬ |
• Light-Up&Horizontal ┴ ┴ | • Light-Vert.&Horiz. ┼ ┼ | |
⬑1of3 | ⬑2of3 | ⬑3of3 |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• 📁 1F4C1, File Folder. Closed | • 📂 1F4C2, Open File Folder | • 📃 1F4C3, Page with curl. Rolled Paper |
• 📄<1F4C4, Page facing Up. Page/Paper/Files | • 📤 1F4E4, Outbox Tray. For Send Out. Copy | • 📥 1F4E5, Inbox Tray. For Receiving. Paste |
• Warning Sign ⚠︎ (Txt) U+26A0 | • Warning Sign | • Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass 🔍 U+1F50D |
• Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass 🔎 U+1F50E | • Computer (Laptop) 💻 U+1F4BB | • Monitor/Screen 🖳 |
• Computer (Desktop) 🖥 U+1F5A5 | ||
⬑1of3 | ⬑2of3 | ⬑3of3 |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• Apple symbol “”  U+F8FF 🍎⌥Opt+⇧Shift+k (macOS) | • Red Apple “🍎”(emj)  U+E345  🍎︎(txt) | • Green Apple “🍏” 🍏 U+1F34F 🍏 🍏︎(txt) |
These char(s) also look like an Apple, & some can be displayed with (Unicode) Combining Diacritics, etc: • Ag (Ol-Chiki) “ᱜ” U+1C5C (Apple/Mango) ̀ᱜ , ᱜ̀ , ᱜ́ , ᱜ̀ , ᱜ́ , ᱜ̌ , ᱜ̇́ • Ha (Limbu) “ᤜ” U+191C , ᤜ+ᤨ=“ᤜᤨ” , ᤜ+ᤧ=“ᤜᤧ” , ᤜ+ᤪ=ᤜᤪ , ᤜ͑ , ᤜ͗ , ᤜ̀ , ᤜ́ , ᤜ̍ , ᤜ̀ , ᤜ́ , ᤜ̖ , ᤜ̗ , ᤜ̌ , ᤜ̭ , ᤜ̜ , ᤜͅ • Low-Ca (Tai-Tham) “ᨩ” U+1A29 ᨩ̴ , ̴ᨩ , ᨩ̀ , ᨩ́ • High-Ca (Tai-Tham) “ᨧ” U+1A27 ̴ᨧ , ᨧ̴ , ᨧ̀ , ᨧ́ • Mem-Qoph (Pahlavi) “𐭬” (R-to-L) U+10B6C • Om (WarangCiti) “𑣿” U+118FF • Latin O with Acute “Ó” U+00D3 • o with grave “ò” U+00F2 • o with acute “ó” U+00F3 • Small Omicron with Tonos/AcuteAccent (Greek) “ό” U+03CC (Apple/Orange) • Ban (Georgian) “ბ” U+10D1 & “Ბ” U+1C91 (Apple/Orange) • AntiClockwise Clock-Circle Arrow “⥀”(base) “⥀︎”(txt) (Apple) • Tu (Linear-B B069) “𐀶” U+10036 (Apple/Peach) • Ra (Telugu) “ర” U+0C30 (Apple/Orange) • Da (Telugu) “ద” (apple) U+0C26 ద̖ , ద̗ , ద̜ , ద̨ , ద̩ , ద̹ , దͅ , ద᪹ , ద᪺ • Ba (Mayanmar/Burmese) “ဗ” U+1017 (an Apple in sideway) ̴ဗ , ဗ̴ , ဗ̖ , ဗ̗ , ဗ̜ , ဗ̨ , ဗ̩ , ဗ̭ , ဗ̹ , ဗͅ , ဗ᪹ , ဗ᪺ • Yesieung (Hangul Jamo) “ㆁ” U+3181 • Dha (Kannada) “ಧ” U+ (Upside-down Apple falling from a tree-branch) • Tha (Tai-Tham) “ᨵ” U+1A35 ᨵ̖ , ᨵ̗ , ᨵ̴ , ̴ᨵ , ᨵ̜ , ᨵ̨ , ᨵ̩ , ᨵ̭ , ᨵ̹ , ᨵ᪹ , ᨵ᪺ |
⬐1of2 | ⬐2of2 | |
• “Squared-Plus” “⊞” ⊞ U+229E used by Wikipedia as indicator for Windows Flag/Logo/Key symbol, ❖Win+B ❖Win | • Kangxi “⽥” U+2F65 | |
• “Black Diamond Minus White X” “❖” ❖ U+2756 used by others+me to indicate Windows Flag/Logo/Key symbol | • CJKUI “㗊” U+35CA | |
• Ro (Halfwidth Katakana) “ロ” U+FF9B (its like “White Vertical Rectangle” “▯” U+25AF) | • Nu (Vai) “ꖸ” U+A5B8 | |
These also look like a Window or Windows: • CJKUI “田” U+7530 • CJKUI “毌” U+6BCC • “畋” U+754B = 田X = WindowsX = Windows10 • Esh (Old Italic) “𐌎” U+1030E • CJKUI “回” U+56DE • Squared-Square “⧈” U+29C8 • He (Old Itlaic) “𐌇” U+10307 • Squared Minus “⊟” U+229F • Clear-Screen symbol “⎚” U+239A • White Square with Vertical Bisecting Line “◫” U+25EB • CJK = Chinese Japanese Korean, CJKUI = CJK Unified Ideograph • Lagab (Cuneiform) “𒆸” U+121B8 • Lagab-Lagab “𒇔” U+121D4 |
⬐1of2 | ⬐2of2 | |
• Goat “🐐”(emj) 🐐 U+1F410 🐐︎(txt) often used to indicate GNU software, GNU/GPL-License, GNU-Hurd OS, GNU-BSD OS, etc. Wildebeest & Goat🐐 are in similar family & have similarity. | ||
• Egypt Hiero. Goat/kid 𓃙 U+130D9 • Ibex 𓃵 U+130F5 • Hartebeest 𓄃 U+13103 • Oryx 𓃲 U+130F2 | ||
⬐1of2 | ⬐2of2 | |
• Penguin “🐧”(emj) 🐧 U+1F427 🐧︎(txt) often used to indicate GNU-Linux-OS. Tux is a 🐧︎ penguin |
Combining-Diacritics (with Unicode hex code-point):
• ◌̀ 300 • ◌́ 301
• ◌̃ 303 • ◌̆ 306
• ◌̇ 307 • ◌̌ 30C
• ◌̍ 30D • ◌̖ 316
• ◌̗ 317 • ◌̜ 31C
• ◌̨ 328 • ◌̩ 329
• ◌̭ 32D • ◌̴ 334
• ◌̹ 339 • ◌̀ 340
• ◌́ 341 • ◌ͅ 345
• ◌͑ 351 • ◌͗ 357
• ◌ͨ 368 • ◌᪹ 1AB9
• ◌᪺ 1ABA • ◌᷎ 1DCE
• ◌᷃ 1DC3 • ◌᷎ 1DCE
• ◌ᷗ 1DD7 • ◌ᷛ 1DDB
• ◌ᷞ 1DDE • See CDM |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• Congruence Relation Symbol ≡ ≡ ≡ A 240 U+2261 | • Vertical Ellipsis ⋮ U+22EE vellip | • Menu/App key ▤ |
• Identical To ≡ | • Strictly Identical To ≣ | • Greek Capital Letter Xi Ξ |
• Not-Equal-To ≠ ≠ ≠ 🍎⌥Opt.= | • Almost-Equal-To ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ 🍎⌥Opt+x | • Division ÷ ÷ 🍎⌥Opt+? 🍎⌥Opt+/ ❖Alt+0247 |
• Plus-Minus ± ± 🍎⌥Opt+⇧Shift+= ❖Alt+241 | • Infinity ∞ ∞ ∞ 🍎⌥Opt+5 | |
⬑1of3 | ⬑2of3 | ⬑3of3 |
• Various ⿰ ⿱ ⿲ ⿳ ⿴ ⿵ ⿶ ⿷ ⿸ ⿹ ⿺ ⿻ 〔 〕 ︿ ﹝ ﹞ ‹ › ∶ ⎮ ╱ ⧶ ⧸ ⫻ ⫽ 〳 ゠ ː̷̸ | ||
• ։ ֊ ׃ ״ ٪ ۔ ܁ ܂ ܃ ܄ᅟ |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• White Frowning Face ☹ ️ ☹/️ ☹/️ ☹︎(txt) | • Worried Face 😟(emj) 😟 0x1F61F 😟︎(txt) | • White Smiling Face ☺ ☺ 0x263A ☺︎(txt) |
• Slightly Smiling Face 🙂(emj) 🙂 0x1F642 🙂︎(txt) | • Black Smiling Face ☻ ☻ 0x263B ☻︎(txt) | |
⬑1of3 | ⬑2of3 | ⬑3of3 |
⬐1of3 | ⬐2of3 | ⬐3of3 |
• Ballot Box ☐ ☐ U+2610 | • Ballot Box with Check ☑ ☑ U+2611 ☑︎(txt) | • Ballot Box with X ☒ ☒ U+2612 ☒︎(txt) |
• ª U+00AA ª ª • ʈ U+0288 ʈ |
Unicode Tricks+Tips: |
• To display an Emoji/Emoticon(emj) as a Textual(txt)
glyph (if available/renderable), Use a
or ︎) after the Emoji, (or apply CSS, i.e: span.gray
{ -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: grayscale(100%); } ).• When an Emoji-Modifier character (i.e: “Emoji Modifier FitzPatrick Type-6” character 🏿 or 🏿 U+1F3FF) is placed after an Emoji (not all Emojis, but usually Emojis with (human)-body/body-parts are supported), then that Emoji will appear with dark/gray color/skin-tone, but many (font/glypgh/emoji)-Rendering-engine/system still does not support this "Human Diversity" for all Emojis! • If you want to Join a diacritical-mark with an Unicode-char(U-char), then place diacritic(s)-char(s) after the base/primary U-char in sequence, in such case Text/Font Rendering Engine will/may join them as a sequence of single-char to display, so your Search/Find(Ctrl+F) option/button may or may-not work to find it, But if you want to join AND also want to make sure to be able to search/find those char(s) separately, then place the CGJ-char(U+034F or ͏ or ͏) in-between them. Text/Font Rendering Engine in your system may-not work/support/uptodate as expected/instructed/requested by Unicode consortium/group. • If you want to display a character & a diacrtic-mark separately & close to each other, but without joined-by the Font/Text rendering engine/system, then place a ZWNJ char(U+200C ‌ or ‌ or ‌) in between them. Also see space. |
http://Liberties.WikiDot.com/symbols1 http://Liberties.WikiDot.com/ligatures1 https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_font https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters |
Goto Top or Index |
Add Signature With App/Code: |
Sign (aka: “codesign”, aka: add digital-signature)
a macOS-X/XI binary app, without being in the Mac Developer Program: https://StackOverflow.com/questions/27474751/ Apple Developer Program (ADP) requires $99 fee ! & that allows a Dev to release (signed) App with signature, & that App (if its a general app) can be used by less-privileged user (and ofcourse by any privileged user). Apple Developer site/website (not ADP) allows to create “Free” account, by using a user’s/dev’s Apple-ID, that allows to download/get some basic Development related items for free, like: Xcode, Xcode-CLT, etc. |
Goto Top or Index |
• FF = Firefox . A web-browser from Mozilla Foundation. Before FF v57 it used Gecko engine. Since v57, FF was renamed as “Firefox Quantum”(FFQ) & began to use a different & new web-browser engine, & Mozilla REMOVED SUPPORT FOR ALL PREVIOUS ADDONS/PLUGINS in FFQ !!! and, Although major parts of new engine were+are mostly based on Servo,..engine but it is still (deceptively/purposely) named/known as same “Gecko”! some users calls/identifies it GwS(“Gecko-with-Servo” or “Gecko-w/Servo”) or SbG(“Servo-based-Gecko”) or in-short just calls it “Servo” engine. I will call it here, just Servo or GwS or SbG. FFQ in iOS was forced to use WebKit based engine. Lots of PLUGINS existed & was released for (older) Gecko based older FF (before v57), Mozilla STOPPED sharing/distrubuting ALL OF THOSE ADDONS/PLUGINS for older Gecko based older “Firefox” !!! Which indicated (again & sadly, that) Mozilla products are not-reliable & not-stable & cannot be depended-upon. Now there are very VERY LESS PLUGINS availble/ported/released for Servo/GwS based FFQ (v57 & after). WebRTC is kept in enabled state by-default, which can reveal user’s local location without user’s consent with full-awareness, which is a violation of Privacy-Rights, & this type of violation is also done by other new web-browsers too! |
• SF = AS = Safari . A web-browser developed by Apple Inc . Proprietary . Uses open-source WebKit based engine. WebKit was closed-source & based-on OpenSource KDE-HTML(KHTML) layout engine & OpenSource KDE-JS(KJS) engine, etc. KHTML in WebKit was renamed into WebCore, & KJS in WebKit was renamed into JavaScriptCore by Apple Inc. Later WebKit was made open-source(LGPL) by Apple Inc, and then Adobe Systems, KDE, Igalia, & others joined. Later JavaScriptCore was replaced with SquirrelFish JS (SFX) engine in WebKit. WebKit was internally upgraded into WebKit2. Many other web-browsers are actually based on modified/customized version of WebKit engine. WebKit devs have removed GC related codes, after Google forked WebKit & created (WebKit-based) Blink for GC. Apple Inc forcefully/indirectly restricts other devs/groups, i.e: devs are forced to use WebKit to develop their apps for macOS/iOS, etc. |
• CM = CH = Chromium . Open-Source . A web-browser initially developed by Google LLC. Uses Blink rendering engine (Blink is based on modified WebKit engine), & V8 (JavaScript engine). Later Microsoft, Igalia, Yandex, & others joined to develope CM. Later Facebook, Opera Software, Adobe Systems, Intel, IBM, Samsung, & others joined to develope Blink. Many many web-browsers are actually based on modified/customized version of this CM web-browser or Blink engine from CM. |
• Ch = GC = Chrome = Google-Chrome = GCh = gCh = gCH . Ch is developed by Google LLC . Many features+components are Proprietary & runs various binaries even before user logins into their OS, & does-not provide any option to completely disable/remove such malware-like behavior. GC web-browser’s engine is based-on Chromium web-browser. Initially used WebKit rendering engine, later Google eventually forked WebKit to create Blink (BSD-License) based engine, now all Google-Chrome variants are using Blink except in iOS, in iOS its forced to use WebKit based engine. |
• AOS = 🤖︎ = Andr = AN = Android OS . A (GUI) OS developed by Google LLC (under Alphabet Inc), with members of OHA consortium, & by open-source dev(s)+individual(s). Many components are open-source, except these CLOSED-SOURCE components: “Google Play”, “Google Play Services”, etc, etc, etc). Andr uses (BSD based) Bionic C-Lib, uses ToyBox (based on older BusyBox) based Unix utilities, mksh, etc. Andr uses modified Linux-kernel. |
• iOS = 🍎📱 . Developed by Apple Inc, used in such Apple devices iPhone, iPad, etc. Its a closed-source GUI OS. Based on (Unix->BSD->) Darwin OS. Uses Hybrid(XNU) Kernel. |
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