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🎭 Playwright for JS


How to Create and Run Playwrite Tests

Runs all tests on all browsers in headless mode

npx playwright test

Runs a specific test file

npx playwright test MyTest.spec.js 

Runs on specific browser

npx playwright test MyTest.spec.js --project=chromium
npx playwright test MyTest.spec.js --project=chromium --headed
npx playwright test MyTest.spec.js --project=chromium --headed --debug

Locating Elements in Playwright

Locate single element

await page.locator('locator').click()
await page.locator('locator').fill('value')
await page.locator('locator').type('value')
await page.fill('locator', 'value')
await page.type('locator', 'value')
❗await is required only when the method is market with asyncawait is required only when performing the actual action / whenever calling a playwright method

Locate multiple web elements

const elements=await page.$$(locator)

Built-in in locators

page.getByRole() to locate by explicit and implicit accessibility attributes.
page.getByText() to locate by text content.
page.getByLabel() to locate a form control by associated label's text.
page.getByPlaceholder() to locate an input by placeholder.
page.getByAltText() to locate an element, usually image, by its text alternative.
page.getByTitle() to locate an element by its title attribute.
page.getByTestId() to locate an element based on its data-testid attribute

Create test using code generator

npx playwright codegen
npx playwright codegen --help


 expect(page).toHaveURL()  Page has URL
 expect(page).toHaveTitle()  Page has title
 expect(locator).toBeVisible() Element is visible
 expect(locator).toBeEnabled()  Control is enabled 
 expect (locator).toBeDisabled()  Element is disabled
 expect(locator).toBeChecked()  Radio/Checkbox is checked
 expect(locator).toHaveAttribute() Element has attribute
 expect(locator).toHaveText() Element matches text
 expect(locator).toContainText() Element contains text
 expect(locator).toHaveValue(value) Input has a value
 expect(locator).toHaveCount() List of elements has given length


 beforeEach: This hook is executed before each individual test
 afterEach: This hook is executed after each individual test
 beforeAll: This hook is executed once before any of the tests start running
 afterAll: This hook is executed once after all the tests have been run


Allure Reports

1) Installation of "allure-playwright" module
npm i -D @playwright/test allure-playwright
2) Installing Allure command line
npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev
sudo npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev
3) playwright.config.js
reporter= ['allure-playwright', {outputFolder: 'my-allure-results'}] (or)
npx playwright test --reporter-allure-playwright
4) Run the tests
npx playwright test tests/Reporters.spec.js
5) Generate Allure Report:
allure generate my-allure-results-o allure-report --clean
6) Open Allure Report:
allure open allure-report

const / let

when declare **const** is required to declare value also(when is initializing)
**let** is use to declare global variable


npx playwright test "name test" --debug (open pw inspector and debug only UI)

If you want debug api calls

 1. in VS go to package.json create a test property and give the command
     "scripts": { "test": "npx playwright test "name test" }
 2. in VS tipe Shift + Ctrl + P and click on method Debug: Debug npm Script


learning about automated testing in playwright






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