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Polychemy's Embedable App. BETA.

Polychemy's Embeddable App Implementation.

Polychemy's Embeddable apps allows any online retailer to embed Polcyhemy's customizable jewelry display.
Customers can customize thier own products and purchase directly of your site, with out leaving your web site.
The apps can be hooked up to the your shopping cart, ensuring a much better user expirence for your customers.

By Using our Apps, you agree to our Privacy Policy and [Terms & Conditions] (

How Does it Work?

here's a brief overview of the app implimentation.
  • Embed the Polychemy App to your web site, with our simple I-Frame Code, and configure settings.
  • When the customers presses "Add To Cart", A POST request is send to your shopping cart page, with product details and image. Customization Data is also sent in JSON.
  • Once your customers completes the check out process on your site and confirms payment. You place the order with a POST request to our API, forwarding the product details and customization data. Multiple products can be sent in one cart.
  • Finally , once payment is made, we will begin manufacturing.

Step 1 - Embed Iframe App.

Add this Code anywhere in the BODY Tags of your HTML. ```javascript
<script type="text/javascript"> //Set Up variables For Embedable App./// var USER = "[ACCESS_CODE]"; //Set default product. var productName = "Roman Name Ring"; //Do you have an external cart? //var shoppingcart = "http://localhost/FakeShoppingCart.php"; //if no shopping cart leave shoppingcart variable empty var shoppingcart = ""; var buyButton = "Add To Cart"; var currency = "USD"; //Dimensions var P_height = "1300"; var P_width = "100%"; </script> <script src=""></script>
Replace the [Access code] with the one issued to you.<br>
<b>productName</b> variable is the name of the default product. You can change this to which ever you prefer. You can also use the product SKU.<br>
<b>shoppingcart</b> variable is most important. This is your shopping cart page that will recieve the product Details. Leave this empty if you prefer to use's shopping cart (var shoppingcart = "";) .<br>
<b>buyButton</b> - Customize the checkout button. Default is "Add To Cart".<br>
<b>currency</b> - The Default Currency.<br>

<h1>Step 2 - Create Your Shopping Cart.</h1>
After the user has finished customizing thier products on the app, and is ready to check out.<br>
The "Check Out" Button is pressed. Variables will be sent via POST Method to your shopping cart you specified in the previous step.<br>
POST Variables Details.<br>

<li><b>Name</b> - Name of the product "Roman Name Ring"</li>
<li><b>Price</b> - Retail Price of Product "119.99"</li>
<li><b>Image</b> - Image address of product "" </li>
<li><b>ProductDATA</b> - A Stringified JSON Data</li>
<li><b>ID</b> - User ID.</li>


This data should be stored on your shopping cart database.

<h1>Step 3 - Send the order to Polychemy</h1>
Once your customers has finsihed the checkout process, and payment has been made. You will have to send us the order, and customization details from the previous step.

Here is a PHP example of placing an order with our order.php API.

//Set Customer data and shipping details.
//We Will ship the product to this address.
$CustomerData = new stdClass();
$CustomerData->email = "";
$CustomerData->street = "Ave 12";
$CustomerData->city = "New York";
$CustomerData->state = "New York";
$CustomerData->zip = "123232";
$CustomerData->country = "United Statesdsf";
$CustomerData->name = "John Doe";
$CustomerData->hpnumber = "383748743";
$CustomerData->occasion = "none";
//Leave these variables blank.
$CustomerData->gender = "none";
$CustomerData->forwho = "none";
$CustomerData->coupon = "";
$CustomerData->cdtoken = "";

//send polcyehmy invoice. if false, no invoice will be sent.
//If oyu want to send your own invoice, then keep this as FALSE.
$CustomerData->sendinvoice = false;

//Identification Variables
$referalData = new stdClass();

///***Replace ACCESS ID with the Access ID you were given.
$referalData->referalID = "[ACCESS ID]";
$referalData->type = "[ACCESS ID]";

///Add Product Data into shopping cart array.
//This product Data is given to you from the previous step. Product data contains the customization settings for each product.
//If there are multiple products in the shopping cart, then add all to the array.
$ShoppingCart = array();
array_push($ShoppingCart, json_decode($_POST["ProductDATA"]));

$customizationData = new stdClass();
$customizationData->customerData = $CustomerData;
$customizationData->ShoppingCart = $ShoppingCart;

//**Set User ID. The user ID is given to you from the previous setp. Any USER ID, from any product in the cart will be fine.
$customizationData->ID = $_POST["ID"];

//get referal information if there's any
$customizationData->referal = $referalData;	
//set payment type.
$customizationData->paymentType = "ExternalCart";

//** This is your Secret Key.
$customizationData->secret = "[SECRET KEY]";

//CURL POST Script.
//set POST variables and URL.
$url = '';
$fields = array(
						'customerData' => urlencode(json_encode($customizationData)),
						'command' => urlencode("addOrder")

//url-ify the data for the POST
foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
rtrim($fields_string, '&');

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);

//close connection
echo $result;

Here's a JSON example request.
You will have to send the following JSON request to POST variable 'customerData'.
And a 'addOrder' string to POST variable 'command'.
Please make sure you stringify the data and URL encode it before sending it over to our system.

		"street":"Ave 12",
		"city":"New York",
		"state":"New York",
		"country":"United States",
		"name":"John Doe",
	"ShoppingCart":[{ JSON ENCODED PRODUCT DATA }],
		"referalID":"[ACCESS ID]",
		"type":"[ACCESS ID]"

Here's another JSON Example. This time with a test product (from productDATA). This is how your JSON should look when you pass the data to us. Be sure to serealize the JSON request before sending it to us

	"street":"Ave 12",
	"city":"New York",
	"state":"New York",
	"country":"United States",
	"name":"John Doe",
		"type":"Roman Name Ring",
		"Custom Text",
		"Ring Size"
	"referalID":"[ACCESS ID]",
	"type":"[ACCESS ID]"

If everyhting is sucessful you will get the following JSON response:


The order has been placed and we will begin manufacturing, ONLY after payment is made with us.
Payment must be made in USD only.


Polychemy's Embeddable App Implementation.






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