Help! is an app that displays emergency information for users that are registered in our database.
This app has been deployed to Heroku. 👉 Help!
To run locally:
Help! uses Node.js as well as Express, and stores its users' information in a MongoDB database.
First, check that you have node and npm installed.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Then, clone the repo and cd into the new directory's location on your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd root/Help-App
Finally, install dependencies, and start the server.
$ npm install
$ npm start
If you're unfamiliar with mlab, just visit their docs and you should have all of the above in no time!
Navigate to localhost:3000, and the app should be running in the browser. 🎉
If you need any help 😉 or if there are any issues please don't hesitate to contact me on here, or submit an issue.