Pluskit is a Fil+ eco-tools platform. It is committed to providing ecological participants with practical, operability, and rich types of tools/plug-ins to reduce the difficulty for users to participate in ecology, enhance the convenience for developers and other users, and thereby increase the activity and prosperity of ecosystem.
The ultimate goal of Pluskit is to serve the entire ecosystem of participants, the first phase of which will focus on Data Board.
V0.1 has been lauched, aggregating the DataCap data of general verification.
--A quick query entrance, supporting fuzzy query for Notary, Storage Provider and Client.
--Allocation Overview: allocation trend over the last 7 days, DataCap allocation percentage, and DataCap regional distribution.
--Data Board: Total DataCap, active notary...
--Overview of Notary: overview of the global distribution of Notaries, allocation efficiency of Notaries.
--Ranking: ranking of Notaries, Storage Providers and Clients. It is surpported for detailed information by clicking the names.
V0.2 is being developed, aggregating the DataCap data of Large Datasets verification and Automatic verification. It will also provides automatic feature.
--Large Datasets allocation trend, DataCap acquisition ratio.
--Data Board: application amount, granted amount and other relevant data.
--Clients ranking
Homepage one
Homepage two
Details Page
The target audience of the project is all people who need the tools in every aspect off ecological participation. The first phase is aimed at anyone interested in Filecoin verified data storage, including protocol lab members, Notary, DataCap applicants, and Storage providers.
Our team is still small, but each member of the team has nearly two years of experience in Filecoin and will grow as the business expands.
Product Manager:chic
Front-end developer:jiaming
Backend developer:Mr. Zhou
GitHub Discussion:filecoin-project/community#390
Contact us via Slack:@PluskitOfficial