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Added nicbufs and ooo analyzers to
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johnousterhout committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent e0ce68f commit e1dbc38
Showing 1 changed file with 250 additions and 19 deletions.
269 changes: 250 additions & 19 deletions util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,9 @@
# the following fields:
# xmit: Time when ip*xmit was invoked
# nic: Time when the NIC transmitted the packet (if available)
# gro: Time when GRO received (the first bytes of) the packet
# gro: Time when GRO received the packet
# softirq: Time when homa_softirq processed the packet
# free: Time when skb was freed (after copying to application)
# id: RPC id on the sender
# offset: Offset of the data in the packet within its message
# length: # bytes of message data in this packet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,12 +612,14 @@ def __copy_out_start(self, trace, time, core, match, interests):
def __copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, match, interests):
num_bytes = int(
id = int(
offset = int(
for interest in interests:
interest.tt_copy_out_done(trace, time, core, id, num_bytes)
interest.tt_copy_out_done(trace, time, core, id, num_bytes, offset)

'name': 'copy_out_done',
'regexp': 'finished copying ([-0-9.]+) bytes for id ([-0-9.]+)'
'regexp': 'finished copying ([0-9.]+) bytes for id ([0-9.]+), '
'.*last offset ([0-9.]+)'

def __free_skbs(self, trace, time, core, match, interests):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -976,7 +979,7 @@ def tt_copy_out_start(self, trace, time, core, id):
stats = trace['copy']
stats['out_start'][core] = time

def tt_copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, id, num_bytes):
def tt_copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, id, num_bytes, offset):
global options
stats = trace['copy']
if core in stats['out_start']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1909,6 +1912,210 @@ def output(self):
core_data['max_backlog'] * 1e-3,

# Analyzer: nicbufs
class AnalyzeNicbufs:
Analyzes lifetimes of skbs for incoming packets to compute total buffer
usage for each channel and underflows of NIC buffer caches (based on
caching mechanism of Mellanox mlx5 driver).

def __init__(self, dispatcher):

def output(self):
global packets, rpcs

# List of <time, type, id, core, length> records, where type is
# "alloc" or "free", id is a packet id, core is the core where
# homa_gro_receive processed the packet (in the form "node.core"),
# and length is the number of bytes consumed by the packet.
events = []

# Maps from core id (node.core) to the total number of bytes
# received so far by homa_gro_receive on that core.
core_bytes = defaultdict(lambda : 0)

# Maps from packet id to a <gro_time, core_bytes> tuple, where
# gro_time is the time when the packet was processed by homa_gro_receive
# and core_bytes is the value of core_bytes just before the packet
# was allocated.
pkt_allocs = {}

# Maps from core id to <time, active_bytes, pkid, gro_time>, where
# active_bytes is the largest number of active skb bytes seen for that
# core, time is the time when some of those bytes were finally freed,
# pid is the id of the packet freed at time, and gro_time is the time
# when that packet was processed by homa_gro_receive.
core_max = defaultdict(lambda : [0, 0, '', 0])

# Scan all packets to build the events list. Note: change packet
# ids to refer to those on the receiver, not sender.
for pkt in packets.values():
if (not 'gro' in pkt) or (not 'length' in pkt):
rpc_id = pkt['id'] ^ 1
pkid = '%d:%d' % (rpc_id, pkt['offset'])
rpc = rpcs[rpc_id]
core = '%s.%d' % (rpc['node'], rpc['gro_core'])
events.append([pkt['gro'], 'alloc', pkid, core, pkt['length']])
if 'free' in pkt:
events.append([pkt['free'], 'free', pkid, core, pkt['length']])

# Process the events in time order
events.sort(key=lambda t : t[0])
for time, type, pkid, core, length in events:
if type == 'alloc':
pkt_allocs[pkid] = [time, core_bytes[core]]
core_bytes[core] += length
elif type == 'free':
active_bytes = core_bytes[core] - pkt_allocs[pkid][1]
if active_bytes > core_max[core][1]:
core_max[core] = [time, active_bytes, pkid,
print('Bogus event type %s in nicbufs analzyer' % (type),

print('Analyzer: nicbufs')
print('Maximum active NIC buffer space used for each GRO core over the')
print('life of the traces (assuming Mellanox mlx5 buffer cache):')
print('Active: Maximum bytes of NIC buffers used by the core (bytes')
print(' allocated on Core between when PktId was received and')
print(' when PktId was freed)')
print('PktId: Identifier (as seen by receiver) for the packet ')
print(' corresponding to Active')
print('Node: Node where Pktid was received')
print('Core: Core on which Pktid was received')
print('GRO: Time when homa_gro_receive processed Pktid on Core')
print('Free: Time when packet was freed after copying to user space')
print('Life: Packet lifetime (Free - GRO, usecs)\n')

maxes = []
for core, max in core_max.items():
time, active, pkid, gro_time = max
maxes.append([core, time, active, pkid, gro_time])
maxes.sort(key=lambda t : t[2], reverse = True)
print(' Active PktId Node Core GRO '
'Free Life')
for core, time, active, pkid, gro_time in maxes:
node, core_id = core.split('.')
print('%8d %20s %10s %4s %9.3f %9.3f %7.1f' % (active, pkid,
node, core_id, gro_time, time, time - gro_time))

# Analyzer: ooo
class AnalyzeOoo:
Prints statistics about out-of-order packet arrivals. Also prints
details about out-of-order packets in the RPCs that experienced the
highest out-of-order delays (--verbose will print info for all OOO RPCs)

def __init__(self, dispatcher):

def output(self):
global rpcs, options

total_rpcs = 0
total_packets = 0
ooo_packets = 0

# Each element of this list contains a <delay, info> tuple describing
# all of the out-of-order packets in a single RPC: delay is the
# maximum delay experienced by any of the out-of-order packets, and
# info contains one or more lines of text, each line describing one
# ooo packet.
ooo_rpcs = []

# Scan the incoming packets in each RPC.
for id, rpc in rpcs.items():
if not 'gro_data' in rpc:
total_rpcs += 1
pkts = rpc['gro_data']
total_packets += len(pkts)
highest_index = -1
highest_offset = -1
highest_prio = 0
max_delay = -1
info = ''
for i in range(len(pkts)):
time, offset, prio = pkts[i]
if offset > highest_offset:
highest_index = i;
highest_offset = offset
highest_prio = prio

# This packet is out of order. Find the first packet received
# with higher offset than this one so we can compute how long
# this packet was delayed.
ooo_packets += 1
gap = highest_index
while gap > 0:
if pkts[gap-1][1] < offset:
gap -= 1
gap_time, gap_offset, gap_prio = pkts[gap]
delay = time - gap_time
if max_delay == -1:
rpc_id = '%12d' % (id)
rpc_id = ' ' * 12
info += '%s %7d %10s %9.3f %6.1f %8d %3d %3d\n' % (rpc_id, offset,
rpc['node'], time, delay, highest_offset - offset,
prio, highest_prio)
if delay > max_delay:
max_delay = delay
if info:
ooo_rpcs.append([max_delay, info])

print('Analyzer: ooo')
print('RPCs with out-of-order packets: %d/%d (%.1f%%)' %
(len(ooo_rpcs), total_rpcs, 100.0*len(ooo_rpcs)/total_rpcs))
print('Out-of-order packets: %d/%d (%.1f%%)' %
(ooo_packets, total_packets, 100.0*ooo_packets/total_packets))

if not ooo_rpcs:
print('Information about out-of-order packets, grouped by RPC and sorted')
print('so that RPCs with largest OOO delays appear first (use --verbose')
print('to display all RPCs with OOO packets):')
print('RPC: Identifier for the RPC')
print('Offset: Offset of the out-of-order packet within the RPC')
print('Node: Node on which the packet was received')
print('Time: Time when the packet was received by homa_gro_receive')
print('Delay: Time - receive time for earliest packet with higher offset')
print('Gap: Offset of highest packet received before this one, minus')
print(' offset of this packet')
print('Prio: Priority of this packet')
print('Prev: Priority of the highest-offset packet received before ')
print(' this one')
print(' RPC Offset Node Time Delay Gap Prio Prev')
ooo_rpcs.sort(key=lambda t : t[0], reverse=True)
count = 0
for delay, info in ooo_rpcs:
if (count >= 20) and not options.verbose:
print(info, end='')
count += 1

# Analyzer: packet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2123,6 +2330,16 @@ class AnalyzePackets:
def __init__(self, dispatcher):

def init_trace(self, trace):
# Maps from RPC id to a list of active data packets for that RPC
# (packets that have been received by homa_gro_receive but not
# yet copied to user space). = defaultdict(list)

# Maps from core to a list of packets that have been copied out
# to user space by that core (but not yet freed).
self.copied = defaultdict(list)

def tt_ip_xmit(self, trace, time, core, id, offset):
global packets
packets[pkt_id(id, offset)]['xmit'] = time
Expand All @@ -2133,23 +2350,37 @@ def tt_mlx_data(self, trace, time, core, peer, id, offset):

def tt_gro_data(self, trace, time, core, peer, id, offset, prio):
global packets
p = pkt_id(id^1, offset)
packets[p]['gro'] = time
packets[p]['priority'] = prio
packets[p]['id'] = id^1
packets[p]['offset'] = offset
p = packets[pkt_id(id^1, offset)]
p['gro'] = time
p['priority'] = prio
p['id'] = id^1
p['offset'] = offset[id].append(p)

def tt_softirq_data(self, trace, time, core, id, offset, msg_length):
global packets
p = pkt_id(id^1, offset)
packets[p]['softirq'] = time
packets[p]['msg_length'] = msg_length
p = packets[pkt_id(id^1, offset)]
p['softirq'] = time
p['msg_length'] = msg_length

def tt_copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, id, num_bytes, offset):
pkts =[id]
for i in range(len(pkts) -1, -1, -1):
p = pkts[i]
if p['offset'] <= offset:

def tt_free_skbs(self, trace, time, core, num_skbs):
for p in self.copied[core]:
p['free'] = time
self.copied[core] = []

def tt_send_data(self, trace, time, core, id, offset, length):
global packets
p = pkt_id(id, offset)
packets[p]['id'] = id
packets[p]['length'] = length
p = packets[pkt_id(id, offset)]
p['id'] = id
p['length'] = length

def tt_send_grant(self, trace, time, core, id, offset, priority):
global grants
Expand All @@ -2161,9 +2392,9 @@ def tt_mlx_grant(self, trace, time, core, peer, id, offset):

def tt_gro_grant(self, trace, time, core, peer, id, offset, priority):
global grants
p = pkt_id(id^1, offset)
grants[p]['gro'] = time
grants[p]['id'] = id^1
g = grants[pkt_id(id^1, offset)]
g['gro'] = time
g['id'] = id^1

def tt_softirq_grant(self, trace, time, core, id, offset):
global grants
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2312,7 +2543,7 @@ def tt_copy_out_start(self, trace, time, core, id):
if not 'copy_out_start' in rpcs[id]:
rpcs[id]['copy_out_start'] = time

def tt_copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, id, num_bytes):
def tt_copy_out_done(self, trace, time, core, id, num_bytes, offset):
global rpcs
if not id in rpcs:
self.new_rpc(id, trace['node'])
Expand Down

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