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Pytorch style dataloader for D3D data in HDF5 format


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D3D Loaders

This package implements Pytorch-style Iterable Datasets for D3D data. It contains It contains helper function to fetch data from MDS and store it locally in HDF5 files. It also contains custom samplers to easily load batch random sequences from the data. These can be used in conjunction with data loaders.

Load Multiple Signals in Single Dataset

Import and instantiate the loader like this:

>>> from d3d_loaders.d3d_loaders import D3D_dataset
>>> from d3d_loaders.samplers import  RandomBatchSequenceSampler, collate_fn_random_batch_seq
>>> shotnr = 172337
>>> t_params = {'tstart' : 200.0,
                'tend'   : 1000.0,
                'tsample': 1.0
>>> }
>>> shift_targets = {'ae_prob': 10.0}
>>> device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

>>> my_ds = D3D_dataset(shotnr, t_params,
>>>                     predictors=["pinj", "tinj", "iptipp", "dstdenp", "doutu", "dssdenest", "ae_prob"],
>>>                     targets=["ae_prob"],
>>>                     shift_targets=shift_targets,
>>>                     datapath="/projects/EKOLEMEN/d3dloader/test",
>>>                     device=device)

Here shotnr gives the shot from which the signals are used. Together tstart, tend, and tsample define a common time base for all signals. The signals are resampled in a manner that conserves causality, that is, no future information is used to generate a single sample.

The dataset defines two groups of signals. Predictors are to be used as input to a model and targets are to be used as ground-truth outputs of the model. The dictionary shift_targets defines an offset by which targets are shifted into the future. The name of the signals refer to either MDS nodes or PTDATA point names. The names of the signals and their location in MDS or PTDATA is defined in the file A custom signal, ae_prob refers to output of Aza's Alfven Eigenmode probability model.

Predictor and target signals are stored in the dictionaries my_ds.predictors and respectively.

The datapath argument defines the directory where the D3D data will be cached in HDF5 files. There is one HDF5 file per shot, which stores the individual signals within a group. If a signal is not found in that group, it will be fetched automatically and added to the file. The layout of the files are

julia> fid = h5open("/projects/EKOLEMEN/d3dloader/test/172337.h5", "r")
πŸ—‚οΈ HDF5.File: (read-only) /projects/EKOLEMEN/d3dloader/test/172337.h5
β”œβ”€ πŸ“‚ ali
β”‚  β”œβ”€ 🏷️ origin
β”‚  β”œβ”€ πŸ”’ xdata
β”‚  β”‚  └─ 🏷️ xunits
β”‚  └─ πŸ”’ zdata
β”‚     └─ 🏷️ zunits
β”œβ”€ πŸ“‚ doutu
β”‚  β”œβ”€ 🏷️ origin
β”‚  β”œβ”€ πŸ”’ xdata
β”‚  β”‚  └─ 🏷️ xunits
β”‚  └─ πŸ”’ zdata
β”‚     └─ 🏷️ zunits
β”œβ”€ πŸ“‚ dssdenest
β”‚  β”œβ”€ 🏷️ origin
β”‚  β”œβ”€ πŸ”’ xdata
β”‚  └─ πŸ”’ zdata
β”œβ”€ πŸ“‚ dstdenp
β”‚  β”œβ”€ 🏷️ origin
β”‚  β”œβ”€ πŸ”’ xdata
β”‚  └─ πŸ”’ zdata

Each group is named after the shortname signal and contains xdata, zdata nodes returned from Additionally, the origin of the data is stored in the origin attribute, and the units of the signals are stored in the xunits and zunits attributes, when available.

Additionally, a device can be passed. If set to be the GPU, the predictor and target tensors will be stored on the GPU. This avoids having to load batches into GPU memory in the training data loop.

Iterating over signal sequences in a single shot

To fetch data sequences from a single shot, we can instantiate a DataLoader. This package implements a RandomBatchSequenceSampler that fetches linear sequences from both, predictor and target tensors of the dataset. RandomBatchSequenceSampler fetches a batch of sequences, all of the same length and starting at the same random point. The sample below shows how D3D_dataset and RandomBatchSequenceSampler work together to allow iteration over the sequences:

>>> len(ds)
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> seq_length = 512
>>> sampler = BatchedSampler(len(ds), seq_length=seq_length, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
>>> loader_train =, num_workers=0, 
                                               collate_fn = collate_fn_batched)

>>> for x_b, y_b in loader_train:
        print(f"x_b.shape={x_b.shape}, y_b.shape={y_b.shape}")

x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])
x_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 11]), y_b.shape=torch.Size([32, 513, 5])

In each iteration, loader_train returns a tuple of tensors. The first tensor contains 32=batch_size sequences of length seq_length+1. Each sequence has 11 features, which is the sum of the feature dimension of each predictor signal. The second tensor has the same batch size and sequence length, but the feature dimension is 5, corresponding to the probability of each Alfven Eigenmode.

The length of the sequences is seq_length+1=513. Note also, that the predictor signals are shifted 10ms into the future. That is the samples at y_b[:, -1, :] are 11ms ahead of the samples in x_b[:, -2, :].

In the example above, collate_fn_batched reshapes the returned data from d3d_dataset.__getidx__ into a tuple of 2 tensors. The call semantics are explained in the code example here. Note that RandomBatchSequenceSampler takes care of batching. Automatic batching in the pytorch DataLoader needs to be disabled.

The BatchedSampler can either sample sequences linearly, starting at 0, or shuffle the starting points of the sequences.

For shuffle=False, BatchedSampler generates sequences where the starting index shifts by 1 for each sequence in a batch. Using a BatchedSampler in the example above would have the first sequence start at index 0 and extending to 512. The second sequence would start at index 1 and extend to 513. And so on.

This is useful for inference, where we may want to predict a target sequentially over the entire shot. We input samples of all predictors at time index 0...511 into the model and get a prediction for the target at time index 512. Then we input the predictors at time index 1..512 to predict the target at time index 513. And so in. Thus, by iterating over a DataLoader which uses a BatchedSampler, we can easily get a reconstruction of the predicted target for the entire shot.

Setting shuffle=True, BatchedSampler generates sequences that start at a random point in the dataset. Looking at the code above, the first of the 32 sequences in the batch may start at index 18 (and extend to index 18+513=631) of the entire shot. The second sequence may start at index 788 and extend to index 788+513. So every starting index is at random. This is useful for training.

There are also the versions of the sampler BatchedSampler_dist. These should be used for distributed training. They effectively distribute all available samples in the dataset across ranks.

Multi-shot datasets


The class Multishot_dataset defines a dataset that spans multiple shots. It can be instantiated in a very similar manner:

>>> from d3d_loaders.d3d_loaders import Multishot_dataset
>>> from d3d_loaders.samplers import BatchedSampler_multi, collate_fn_batched
>>> shot_list_train = [172337, 172339] 
>>> tstart = 110.0 # Time of first sample for upper triangularity is 100.0
>>> tend = 2000.0
>>> t_params = {"tstart": tstart, "tend": tend, "tsample": 1.0}
>>> t_shift = 10.0
>>> device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
>>> seq_length = 512
>>> batch_size = 4
>>> pred_list = ["pinj",  # Injected power
>>>              "tinj", # Injected torque
>>>              "iptipp",  # Target current
>>>              "dstdenp", # Target density
>>>              "doutu", # Top triangularity
>>>              "dssdenest", # Line-averaged density
>>>              "ae_prob"] # AE mode probability
>>> targ_list = ["ae_prob"]

>>> ds_train = Multishot_dataset(shot_list_train, t_params, pred_list, targ_list,
>>>                              {"ae_prob": t_shift}, 
>>>                              datapath="/projects/EKOLEMEN/d3dloader/test", device)

To iterate over a multi-shot database, we can again instantiate a DataLoader using the custom RandomBatchSequenceSampler_multids sampler as well as a custom collate_fn:

>>> for xb, yb in loader_train_b:
>>>     print(xb.shape, yb.shape)
>>>    break

torch.Size([513, 4, 11]) torch.Size([513, 4, 5])

Again, the tensor tuple xb and yb contain a batch of random sequences. But the sequences are picked at random from the list of shots used to construct the Multishot_dataset. All sequences are constructed from data of only a single shot.

Downloading signals

MDS and PTDATA can be downloaded with the script This script fetches data for a given shot from D3D's MDSplus server and stores in in a HDF5 file.

The current predictors are:

Predictor Key
AE Mode probabilities ae_prob
Pinj pinj
Neutron Rate neutronsrate
Injected Power ip
ECH ech
q95 q95
kappa kappa
Density Profile dens
Pressure Profile pres
Temperature Profile temp
q Profile q
Lower Triangularity doutl
Upper Triangularity doutl
Raw ECE Channels raw_ece
Raw CO2 dp Channels raw_co2_dp
Raw CO2 pl Channels raw_co2_pl
Raw MPI Channels raw_mpi
Raw BES Channels raw_bes
Bill's AE Labels (+-250ms window) uci_label

NOTE: the shape signal of kappa and shape profiles of upper and lower triangularity don't have data even though the keys exist in the hdf5 files. You should get a helpful error telling you this, however you may also get an error telling you of an array splicing error. Also when these signals do exist, the first signal is very late, so make sure tstart is sufficiently large.

At a given index, the output is a list of 2 tensors.

In [119]: my_ds[0]
(tensor([-0.5374, -0.4721, -0.5583, -0.5301, -0.4714, -1.1228, -1.7159]),
 tensor([-0.0207, -0.0328, -0.0478, -0.0331, -0.0119]))

The first tensor has a number of elements fixed by the number of signals being used. The order will match the order of the signals in predictors. Each of these signals is normalized to their separate mean and standard deviation.

Currently, the only target is ae_prob_delta, calculated using AE probabilities from Aza's RCN model. The output tensor (2nd tensor) is the change in the Alfven Eigenmode probabilities over the interval given in shift_targets with the ae_prob_delta key, i.e. AE mode probability at t0 + 10ms as calculated using ECE data. This output is also normalized to zero mean and unit standard deviation.

Iteration over the dataset is done in pytorch-style:

for i in
    # use i

An example of how to use this dataloader for predictive modelling is in ''

Load Full Resolution Single Signal

By setting tsample=-1, the full resolution will return with the tstart and tend found closest to the true measurement values (forwards or backwards in time). This will not load as a dataset since you cannot temporally align the full resolution signals. An example for loading neutron rate into a numpy array is below

from d3d_loaders.signal0d import signal_neut
shotnr = 169113
t_params = {'tstart' : tstart,
            'tend'   : tend,
            'tsample': -1

sig_neut = signal_neut(shotnr, t_params)

data =

Full training examples

Training examples can be found in this repository. The dataset these examples operate on can be found here.

The folder examples contains several notebooks that illustrate how to train predictive models using the infrastructure provided in this package. In particular, the notebook AE_pred_LSTMtest_1723xx.ipynb shows how to train a LSTM-based model for predictive tasks. And the nodebook AE_pred_transformer_154xxx.ipynb shows how to train a transformer-based model for predictive tasks. Both notebooks rely on the dataset and dataloader infrastructure implemented in this package.

The datasets used by the notebooks are located on Princeton's gpfs, accessible on stellar and traverse: stellar:/projects/EKOLEMEN/AE_datasets. They have been compiled using the d3d_signals package. Definitions of the datasets in yaml format is here. There is an additional README with notes on issues that arose when compiling the dataset.


Pytorch style dataloader for D3D data in HDF5 format







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