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TUI program for managing kanban boards with vim-like keybindings


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TUI program for managing kanban boards with vim-like keybindings





  • ncurses for the UI
  • make and g++/gcc for compiling and installing


  1. get the source code from latest release or clone this repo => git clone
  2. cd into the source code or cloned repo => cd kabmat
  3. run make to build the program
  4. run sudo make install to install it


kabmat 2.8.0
TUI program for managing kanban boards with vim-like keybindings

Usage: kabmat [OPTION]...

  -h, --help              print this help message
  -v, --version           print program version

  -l, --list              list all boards
  -c, --create <name>     create a new board with the name <name>
  -o, --open <name>       open board with name <name>
  -d, --delete <name>     delete board with name <name>

  -t, --text              disable tui
  -b, --card-at-bottom    when moving cards between columns, put them at the bottom

Consult the man page for more information

Keybindings in kabmat

I tried making the keybindings as intuitive and expected as possible, and for the most part they are. For example, generally c creates an entity, d deletes, k moves up, j moves down, etc...

Help Window:

Key Function
k scroll up one line
j scroll down one line
q close the window

Main Menu:

Key Function
q quit
? show help window
k highlight the above board name
j highlight the below board name
g highlight the first board name
G highlight the last board name
K move highlighted board up
J move highlighted board down
d delete the currently highlighted board
r, e rename the currently highlighted board
c create a new board and highlight it
<Enter> open the currently highlighted board

Input Field:

Normal mode:

Key Function
<Esc>, q cancel and close the input field
<Enter> submit and close the input field
h move cursor one character to the left
l move cursor one character to the right
0 move cursor to the start of the line
$ move cursor to the end of the line
k move cursor up one line (in multi-row input only)
j move cursor down one line (in multi-row input only)
g move cursor to the first line (in multi-row input only)
G move cursor to the last line (in multi-row input only)
i change mode to insert
a move cursor one character to the right and change mode to insert
I move cursor to the start of the line and change mode to insert
A move cursor to the end of the line and change mode to insert
S delete everything on the line and change mode to insert
d delete line under cursor (in multi-row input only)

Insert mode:

Key Function
<Esc> change mode to normal
<Enter> submit and close the input field (or add a new line in multi-row input)
<Backspace>/<Delete> delete the character before the cursor
any other key inserted before the cursor

Confirmation Window:

Key Function
<Enter>, y confirm action (yes)
<Esc>, n cancel action (no)

Board Screen:

Key Function
q quit to where the board was opened from (main menu or cli)
? show help window
h focus the left column
l focus the right column
k focus the above card
j focus the below card
g focus the first card
G focus the last card
H move focused card to the left column
L move focused card to the right column
K move focused card up
J move focused card down
<C-h>, <C-p> move focused column to the left
<C-l>, <C-n> move focused column to the right
C create a new column
E edit title of focused column
D delete focused column
c create a new card in focused column
e edit focused card
d delete focused card

Card Info Window:

Key Function
<Esc>, q cancel and close (if in normal mode)
<Enter> submit and close (if in normal mode)
<Tab> switch focused input (content or description)
c open checklist items window
any other key handled by the focused input

Checklist Window:

Key Function
q close the window
k highlight the item above
j highlight the item below
g highlight the first item
G highlight the last item
K move highlighted item up
J move highlighted item down
c add a new item to the list
e edit content of highlighted item
<Space> toggle highlighted item (done/not done)
d delete highlighted item

Window Manager Integration

If you want to launch it sort of like an application you can make a keybinding to launch your terminal with kabmat running instead of the shell. For example, here is how I do it with st and dwm.

st -e sh -c kabmat
static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier                                key                        function        argument */
    { (Mod4Mask|Mod1Mask),                     XK_t,                      spawn,          SHCMD("st -e sh -c kabmat") },