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How to use the terminal

Sven Nilsen edited this page Mar 16, 2014 · 3 revisions

Some useful commands:

./<exe>             Run program.
cd <dir>            Step into sub directory.
cd ..               Step up one directory.
ls                  List all visible files and folders in directory.
ls -a               List all files, including those starting with '.'.
mv <from> <to>      Move file from one location to another.
mkdir <dir>         Create new directory.
pwd                 Prints the current directory.
time ./<exe>        Prints how long time the program is running.
vim <file>          Open file in text editor.
(up/down arrow)     Browse command history.


xdg-open .          Open current directory in file explorer.

Mac OSX:

open .              Open current directory in Finder.
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