RetroGraphicsEngine is a pure canvas‑based graphics engine for Android. Easy to setup. Easy to use. Fun to play.
Current Stable Version: 0.9.4
Beta Version: 0.9.5-beta1
API 16+
To add the library to your application include it as a library project along with the *.aar file.
Download the latest release in the release section.
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
compile ''
// for the beta
// compile ''
Using this library is simple. You have three options to get started:
Go to the play store to download the demo app which shows some of the features
Look into the source code which is available in this repository to see some examples
Have a look into the documentation
- The detailed documentation for the engine with step-by-step tutorials can be found at
- Quadtree implmentation by pvto