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Releases: PineappleRind/latinstudy


18 Sep 18:16
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Check out that pull request for all the changes. It's mostly architectural but there's some other stuff too

List of commits: v0.1...v0.2

Note that that list contains pre-svelte-rewrite commits, which means me foolishly attempting to create a Latin parser. Never happened, never will happen. :)


18 Dec 14:42
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Initial Release v0.1

Basic functionality is included, such as:

  • Viewing declension tables
  • Viewing the vocabulary along with translations
  • Quizzes, grading questions, showing you your grade and which ones you got wrong

According to WakaTime I've apparently spent a total of 15 hours on LatinStudier™ up to now..

Changelog (generated by GitHub):