A text-based rpg about a cat and a mysterious land...
- This game is meant to be played in a console/terminal environment.
- You need Python 3 and the colorama package (pip install colorama) in order to run this game.
- Additionally, ensure that witchcattext.py is in the same directory as witchcat.py
- Save files are pickle files dropped in the same directory as the game.
- This was originally a final project for my Intro to CS class, but I had since expanded upon it.
- The base engine is not mine. It was provided by my professor.
- However, the rest (the code contained within the methods and the text of the game) is my own work.
- There are still some improvements, as reflected by the TODO, that I'd like to make. However, I feel as though the game is now in a presentable enough form to share.
Hope you enjoy!