- Author: Nolan Stetz and Pierce Rodriguez
- Class: CS361 Section 2
- Semester: Spring 2024
This Java application displays an animated marshmallow with features based on user input specifying sponginess, color, sugar density, and burn resistance.
There were parts of this that were really challenging, particularly figuring out which variables to use and how to do write the code to do the math I wanted it to do. Once I figured that out, I really enjoyed adding some cool visuals, like the flying marshmallow!
- What worked well and what was a struggle?
- Problem solving the math was a challenge.
- What concepts still aren't quite clear?
- I still need to better understand the order of operations.
- What techniques did you use to make your code easy to debug and modify?
- I put a lot of comments in my code and used print statements to show values of computations.
- What would you change about your design process?
- Draw it on a piece of paper and figure out the ratios before starting to code.
- If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself about doing this project?
- Start early, and if I encounter a problem, ask for help early.
To compile, execute the following command in the main project directory:
$ javac Marshmallow.java
Run the compiled class with the command:
$ java Marshmallow
You will be prompted for integer values representing distance to the fire, fire intensity, marshmallow burn resistance, and marshmallow sugar density.
- I found code for adding sound effects on stackoverflow.com. Sound Effects in Java