Projects in various languages for the PhillyXP Pair Programming / TDD Workshop requiring no additional configuration and minimal dependencies.
The solution and corresponding project files can be found within the csharp
If you don't have a unit test runner configured for your IDE or editor you can run tests via the command line by running the following command from the scripts directory
PS C:\..\pair-programming-workshop\csharp\scripts> .\runtests.bat
This project includes dependencies for unit testing (NUnit) and stubbing / mocking (Moq).
The project is contained within the javascript
folder, and assumes that you have node installed already. It comes pre-configured with a test runner, linting, and an .editorconfig file. You can use npm scripts to run the project and the tests.
npm install //(or yarn) to install necessary dependencies locally
npm start // to run the project with index.js as the entry point
npm test // to run tests added in the test folder
The project is contained within the elixir
folder, and assumes that you have Elixir installed already. This project makes use of ExUnit, a built-in unit testing library for Elixir. Run the mix test
command in the elixir
directory to run the unit tests:
mix test
The project is contained within the 'ruby' folder, and assumes that you are using rbenv or rvm to manage your rubys. It has a .ruby-version file that asks for the correct ruby version. You will also need bundler(gem install bundler
Once you have bundler installed you will need to run bundle install
The files for the production code should go in lib and the tests in test. To run the tests just type rake
at the command line.
It is setup with minitest if you need to see the documentation.